1. q8 inscribable +12energy HEALING ANKH (purple) s/b 1e
2. q9 inscribable ORNATE SPEAR clean(gold)
3. q9 inscribable GOLDEN TALONS clean (gold)
4. q9 ETERNAL BOW 15^vs hexed, 30hp, zealous
5. q11 FIERY BLADE AXE fire dmg, 30hp, 20/20
EDITED by Pleikki for the following Guidelines Violation: Improper ListingRemember, High-end is only for selling items or "packages" with a value ABOVE 100K. Sell is for items or "packages" with a value BELOW 100k. The buy section is only for buying items/packages. You can ask fellow members on prices in our Price Check forum.
These rules ensure everyone has a fair chance at having a thread on the first few pages.
Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
Selling Some golds