Originally Posted by Yasmine
I once was buying an item for 100k+xx ecto. I went to xunlai chest and retrieved the ectos and 100g (instead of retrieving max, i typed "100" in the window but in the wrong place - taking xx g instead of xx k has happened to me more then once). i went to the guy, put into trade the ectos and typed "100" in the right place. But I didn't have 100k, so the game put into the trade window the max ammount of money I had - 100g. I pressed "submit trade", but realized immediatly that I made a mistake and changed offer (it took me around 15 seconds to figure out what's wrong though). The scam 100k-100g works, because often pple don't notice. It might have happened, though ofc not very likely, that nor me nor the person i was trading with noticed the mistake before the trade was made. After that, he would have reported me, probably without bothering to tell me that at all. Do i deserve a perma ban, losing 3 years of play, 11 chars, etc because of such an accident? There is simply no way for me to prove I didn't mean to do that - nor there is a way to be 100% sure that somebody who did it, did it with purpose (to avoid being contacted by the unhappy seller, one could just log out, set himself to offline or pretend to afk in a populated place like spamadan - the seller will eventually stop trying to contact you and you could spend/move the money to avoid being able later to give it back).
Now this was just an example. A lot of mistakes can happen.
Ppl usually dont report immediatly, but make questions..what happened?You scammed me? or say "Give my money back scammer","this is not the right items"..or simply they offend hard...
So, like that was happens to you, you have the time to speak and resolve the thing if not correct...but if you do this then you put that person in ignore list ITS a SCAM, not a error..."errare humanum est" but when you leave the game,go offline or simply put ppl into ignore list sorry butis not a error, and i want justice...not a simply 2/3/4 week ban.
And you have time to see your trade log if all is ok..check your trade log every trade save your game..it took just 10 seconds to check and you immediatly can see : xxx traded you xxe , you traded xxx 100g...100g?its an error, so you can contact him/her to resolve the problem before report you.
Im not a perfect guy, i made a lots of mistake every day..and for this reason i check all that is do because i know that i can do something wrong...infact i never get banned in a game,and i made big mistakes too...
Developer who need to implement it...
Dont make a game if you are incompetent,and if you cant offer a support...or simply dont offer support if you cant.
If it's "just a game"... Who cares about your item? It's just a game, it's not like you've lost anything. The item doesn't exist.
AGREE 1000000000000%...btw all those problems for catch scammer?Just let them scam,dont punish them..they dont doing nothing...they stolen pixels,no more.I got scammed,20 zkeys...in a week i got them back...thats not a problem..i just want know why they cant help in case of scam...they always serching for scammer but they never help...cool...
That's fantacoding. It's impossible to add such a command line now if there isn't already, they needed to implement it while programming the basic code. Even the mentioned example of The Frog makes little sense, since the item wasn't created on the fly by a developer with a magic command in game, it was likely designed, coded and put into the game like any other item, just spawned on occasion in one single istance for Gayle alone. Seems like easy, but it probably isn't. That was justified by the special event, yet it doesn't mean they could do it any time they liked, nor that is feasible.
Whatever. Due to the nature of items in Guild Wars, even two gold items with the same stats and skins are not identical for the game engine: they're randomly generated as they drop and unique, even if looking and playing the same.
All they could do is to restore stuff like bags, green items, stackable/quest items and minipets.
Ok tell me then how possible other game can..and GW no?
Dont speak about codes, i know how work...every item have a unique ID, btw you can reproduce and items..same stats,same rarity/skin and all rest without problem using a different ID..If you dont think is possible donwload item editor for D2 or for Sacred/Sacred underworld...and this is the same system used by other games to restore items scammed.