New Build 02/11
Gill Halendt
Hate to quote myselft but...
Wonder what went wrong this time... Well, let's hope the CNY finale isn't bugged or something, since they've obviously put all their efforts in the event, like with Wintersday...
Wonder what went wrong this time... Well, let's hope the CNY finale isn't bugged or something, since they've obviously put all their efforts in the event, like with Wintersday...
The FFFFFF,they split the update into two parts (pathetic in itself) and deliver the second part late. Last straw anet,you suck. Sort yourself out.
Deatgs Corrupter
I give it a max of a month before there is a new meta
Regulus X
I don't think the meta's going to shift as drastically as you seem to imply.
Anet has no real drive to revive GW1, so their remaining updates for this game will probably be degraded by their disinterest in continued support.
Anet has no real drive to revive GW1, so their remaining updates for this game will probably be degraded by their disinterest in continued support.
Pandora's box
I love how all the PvEer's in this thread are giving their billionth ultimatum to Anet if they don't get an update...
As for GW2, I think its better to follow information about that game instead of looking how things are going in GW1...
own age myname
Oh well, I'm having fun abusing SF and 600/smite. The longer the delay, the better.
Neo Atomisk
Aldawg Thanes
After all these problems, I really wish ANET would just say, sorry no more updates, we are focusing our attention on GW2, so all people who were working on updates for GW1 have now been pulled to work on GW2 as such we now plan to release GW2 2 months earlier on X date.
Since they seem to be having a difficult time at the updates, I think this would be a better solution. No one would be getting pissed off about promised updates which don't seem to happen on time.
Now if they were to follow my suggestion, then not release GW2 on said date, that would be a whole different story.
Lets give up the updating and focus on GW2 for now.
Since they seem to be having a difficult time at the updates, I think this would be a better solution. No one would be getting pissed off about promised updates which don't seem to happen on time.
Now if they were to follow my suggestion, then not release GW2 on said date, that would be a whole different story.
Lets give up the updating and focus on GW2 for now.
Desert Rose
Test servers != real servers.
Just because it worked flawless on the test servers doesn't mean it will work flawless on the real servers. |
If a skill works flawlessly in a GvG match on the test server, then it should work the same on the public server.
There is NO value in making the way things work from a gameplay or mechanics standpoint different between two different server types.
The only difference is that a test server has a much reduced load of players, who are actually going out of their way to stress test skill balances and such. While they may not be able to catch every single issue, the idea that something could work fine on a test server but explode into gibby chunks on the public servers is just stupid.
Unlucky Slayer
Little O B S I
There is nothing you guys can do to make the update come any sooner. Just enjoy GW for now or quit until the update comes. You make me laugh at how common your responses are. I think ANet would be right to keep you strung along for longer just to see your responses....
Anyone with games development experiece will tell you that test environments rarely mimick live environments accurately.
A test environment that does not accurately reflect the real environment has no value at all, since any test results cannot be accurately reflected or even extrapolated into the play server environment.
Bottom line is, whatever server the Test Krewe and skill balances are being done on is using the EXACT same rules, engine, and interface as the GW we all know and play. It would actually take MORE work to design a system that was less accurate, since they already have all the coding in place and basically just need to copy/paste from live servers to test. The only logical difference between live and test is the size of the playerbase and the changed skillset.
So again, if you're going to refute a statement, at least think before making ridiculous generalized statements that indicate a total lack of industry know-how and show a total absence of any sort of logical rationale.
Anyone with REAL games development experience will tell you that test environments are designed to mimic live environments as accurately as possible, usually being exactly the same since they're built using the same engine, just with fewer test subjects (a test team vs. the entire playerbase).
A test environment that does not accurately reflect the real environment has no value at all, since any test results cannot be accurately reflected or even extrapolated into the play server environment. Bottom line is, whatever server the Test Krewe and skill balances are being done on is using the EXACT same rules, engine, and interface as the GW we all know and play. It would actually take MORE work to design a system that was less accurate, since they already have all the coding in place and basically just need to copy/paste from live servers to test. The only logical difference between live and test is the size of the playerbase and the changed skillset. So again, if you're going to refute a statement, at least think before making ridiculous generalized statements that indicate a total lack of industry know-how and show a total absence of any sort of logical rationale. |
I like how everyone discussing this has no REAL game designing experience so they have to put ANYONE in front of what they say.
Truth be told, why would a test server not be trying to mimic the actual gaming server? Whats the point in testing something if you are going to apply the changes to a totally different environment?
Truth be told, why would a test server not be trying to mimic the actual gaming server? Whats the point in testing something if you are going to apply the changes to a totally different environment?
Killed u man
I like how everyone discussing this has no REAL game designing experience so they have to put ANYONE in front of what they say.
Truth be told, why would a test server not be trying to mimic the actual gaming server? Whats the point in testing something if you are going to apply the changes to a totally different environment? |
This. Anyone who doesn't realize this is an idiot.
Having worked in the corporate IT world for almost 20 years, I can tell you that it's always the GOAL of having identical development and production systems.
In reality, sadly, they are almost never *absolutely* 100% the same.
The differences may be quite subtle, such as a developer changing one setting, and seeing that it had no visible effect, didn't change it back. Also, configuration mistakes happen as well. Over time, they become "out of sync." It just happens. Since developers are human, you just deal with it. At some point, though, it frequently happens that you just need to trash the dev environment, and recreate it.
So are the Anet systems "reasonably identical?" I would hope so. Close enough to test out a skill or two, anyways...
In reality, sadly, they are almost never *absolutely* 100% the same.
The differences may be quite subtle, such as a developer changing one setting, and seeing that it had no visible effect, didn't change it back. Also, configuration mistakes happen as well. Over time, they become "out of sync." It just happens. Since developers are human, you just deal with it. At some point, though, it frequently happens that you just need to trash the dev environment, and recreate it.
So are the Anet systems "reasonably identical?" I would hope so. Close enough to test out a skill or two, anyways...
I can't haz SF or 600/Smite updatez? But I was told on December 17th that they were coming.
Tough luck buddy.