easiest perma-pre?
what's the easiest profession for a perma-pre to get the daily gifts? Or it's all the same?
Ele is pretty decent at pre IMO
Yeah, Eles are great. Fire Storm is Pre's 'farming skill'.
Eles are good, but in my opinion rangers are the most fun, espically if you have the nevermore or darksteel bow. I have a lvl 17 ranger with a Nevermore of Carrslaying... dualshot 1 hits shamans. So fun 
Just reread, for geting daily gifts... ya either go E/Mo or Mo/E for aoe from firestorm and heals.
Just reread, for geting daily gifts... ya either go E/Mo or Mo/E for aoe from firestorm and heals.
R/E Best of both worlds.
Sir Tieger
Anything can work really, especially if you have the Imp Summon stone 
But if you dont then E/ or /E for firestorm is probably most efficient as mentioned.
But if you dont then E/ or /E for firestorm is probably most efficient as mentioned.
Depends on what specifically you're farming, and whether you can easily ball them up for nuking, but I'd vote for ranger overall. A high level ranger can kill just about anything in 1-2 shots with the /bonus nevermore flatbow.
Mo/E is generally seen as the best mass farmer in pre. It has more defense then E/Mo, and most mob die in the sameamount of spells anyway.
But as some said, if you can have bonus items, going part ranger might be the best as you could also tackle charrs more easily. In that case R/somehting.
But as some said, if you can have bonus items, going part ranger might be the best as you could also tackle charrs more easily. In that case R/somehting.
Mortal Amongst Mere Gods
I myself have a warrior with a pet wolf (haven't accepted the reward for /R yet, of course!) in pre. With GotY and EotN preorder, /bonus will get me a shield, sword, bow, and hammer, plus the imp. That's a wide range of options. I stick with sword and shield for high armor, and my pet can tank when charr hunting. It's slow killing, I won't lie, but that may be due to my level (12), but it's durable and just about impossible to die if I do it right. Warrior in my opinion is best for perma pre. That or monk for heals/prots.
For farming gifts I would have to suggest Mo/E or E/Mo just because of firesotrm and SoW.
Rangers for hunting charr even after the power shot (pre) nerf.
But if your looking for a challenge try mesmer or necro.
Have a mesmer ldoa myself (:
Rangers for hunting charr even after the power shot (pre) nerf.
But if your looking for a challenge try mesmer or necro.
Have a mesmer ldoa myself (:
El Perma Shadow
Necro would be easy at high level with Death magic for dmg (ie: minions and that one skill) and blood magic for self heal.