WTS / WTT few items for sweets


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Somewheyr Ehlse


Hi, below are a few items I'm willing to sell and/or trade for sweet points.
Trading can be done ratio 1:1 - e.g. one minute drunk = 1 sweet point, you get the idea

1x Keg of Aged Hunter's Ale - 15k SOLD
311x Spiked Eggnogs - 300g each SOLD
2x Eggnogs - 100g each
233x Rice Wine - 100g each

Candy canes
124x Wintergreen CC's - 100g each
76x Peppermint CC's - 200g each

IGN: Erszebet Lunah
Mostly online during the evening, zone GMT+1