I'm selling some things here.
Unded Miniatur Zhed
S/B 100ectos
C/O -
B/O -
8 Primeval Armors b/o 6K each
BDS q9 Energy
perma modds
BDS q11 Fastcast
perma modds
close all my other threads please
EDITED by Jenn: Removed the items that were <100k. Remember, High-end is only for items/packages that are 100k+. Sell is for items/packages less than 100k. The buy section is only for buying items/packages. You can ask fellow members on prices in our Price Check forum. You may remove this message once you have read and understood it.
Unded Zhed // Primeval Armors// BDS
King Kas Deluxe
Wicked Sweet
s/b on zhed

The Feeding
250e zhed :]
1000e + 300 shards OMG on zhed
50e BDS ES
50e BDS ES
2k e. on the Unded Miniatur Zhed
30e on fast cast bds