I have a 20 Ele who wears Flameforged armor around. Its good enough for me but I'd like something a little prettier for festivals and events.
I don't have Nightfall but I do have the other campaigns.
Any suggestions on nice outfits that are not crazy expensive?
Need new outfit
I'd suggest you check here and make your own choice - pple have different tastes (and different ideas of what is "crazy expensive") and you haven't even told us if you ele is male or female
Elite Flameforged armor if you like the regular one that you are now wearing.
my personal fav is vabbian, but since you don't have NF, i would prefer Elite lux or kurz
I can't say that I like any male ele armor. The one I have, and dislike the least, is Elite Stormforge, I think.
Marty Silverblade
I generally don't like Factions ele armor, but the male elite lux is ok. Other than that, any of the elite Prophecies armors (for either gender).