CNY Redux?
Genius Was Revrac
I am posting this for all those who are truly going for their Lucky/Unlucky title's and are sick of getting dc'ed halfway through the night. Anet plz plz plz have a redux on the CNY for all the people who get dc'ed on the 9 rings. I for one know that my account has sat dc'ed longer then actually sitting on the rings getting tickets. These titles are nearly impossible to get w/o the help of the 9 rings, but how can you get them if you end up dc'ed and the 9 rings games only happen twice a year. I vote redux who is with me?
Gunnar Ironbow
I am posting this for all those who are truly going for their Lucky/Unlucky title's and are sick of getting dc'ed halfway through the night. Anet plz plz plz have a redux on the CNY for all the people who get dc'ed on the 9 rings. I for one know that my account has sat dc'ed longer then actually sitting on the rings getting tickets. These titles are nearly impossible to get w/o the help of the 9 rings, but how can you get them if you end up dc'ed and the 9 rings games only happen twice a year. I vote redux who is with me?
Shayne Hawke
First off, Nine Rings needs to die.
Secondly, no.
Secondly, no.
Lockpicks, you should try them. (much faster than 9 rings, but you can't afk)
Retaining 10,000 lockpicks to max Lucky is a horrible thought.
dragon festival is in the summer, you'll see them again before you know it.
5th Birthday in April, all week long Boardwalk. No need for a redux
I haven't dc'ed yet.
I only dc'ed once, and that was because I was opening Firefox to check guru (right now)
There is not going to be a redux just because your connection sucks. Especially since its not like you are going to max the title in one weekend anyways.
There is not going to be a redux just because your connection sucks. Especially since its not like you are going to max the title in one weekend anyways.
Dced twice, but I logged back in quick.
Max lucky off by chest running, it takes times, but its wooooooorth it.
I would ask for double lucky/unlucky weekend instead which was skipped couple of weeks back due to no official notification.
Max lucky off by chest running, it takes times, but its wooooooorth it.
I would ask for double lucky/unlucky weekend instead which was skipped couple of weeks back due to no official notification.
Willow O Whisper
I could have understood if it had been beacuse of problems with the gifts and mask during the final event .... but for this... /notsigned....
Redo because you got disconnected while doing nothing. Wow and I thought I saw it all.
Deviant Angel
Everybody got their fireworks, summoning stones, and hats... nothing went wrong during this event.
I got 007ed one time and that's not really out of the norm. It happens to me at least once a day with or without a festival going on. Definitely not a valid reason to request a redux.
I got 007ed one time and that's not really out of the norm. It happens to me at least once a day with or without a festival going on. Definitely not a valid reason to request a redux.
Lord Dagon
deffinaley not a good idea. Yes.. i dont want to have ANOTHER weekned u get another giant allaince to get all the crap for the chefs, and all the crap again u want for the festival. It deffinaltey wouldnt be worth it(and btw im getting a lil burnt out by so many Big pve weekends( i mean wintersday for a week then this i mena i love pve(hate pvp) and i want a break lol.
so in short /notsigned b/c i dont want another weekend of being ignored by afk ppl ;p
so in short /notsigned b/c i dont want another weekend of being ignored by afk ppl ;p
dr love
yes i agree redux it for an entire week.
It deffinaltey wouldnt be worth it(and btw im getting a lil burnt out by so many Big pve weekends( i mean wintersday for a week then this i mena i love pve(hate pvp) and i want a break lol
And to the redux. Sounds like the "me me me" never gets what "I I I" want. Learn to not dwell on little things that bug you. Get over it and move on.
Apok Omen
Hey, guys, can we have a redux on life? Some of us didn't have a fair chance at it, and we feel left out. We want to try it again.
You're right, lets redux an event that had nothing go wrong during it.
hmmm 12 chars
How about instead, we add things to the lucky and unlucky title tracks?
Lucky things? Retain an item during salvage, get a gold from a high end chest or dungeon, find a bottle of dye (point total based on rarity), find a weapon classified under Tolkano's exotic tier?
Unlucky things? Open a dungeon chest without getting a gold, open a high end chest or nightfall treasure and get a purple, break a salvage item, get kicked out of the underworld or fissure, etc.
Expand the title outward, and we won't need the damn rings and their afk requirement sapping the servers.
Lucky things? Retain an item during salvage, get a gold from a high end chest or dungeon, find a bottle of dye (point total based on rarity), find a weapon classified under Tolkano's exotic tier?
Unlucky things? Open a dungeon chest without getting a gold, open a high end chest or nightfall treasure and get a purple, break a salvage item, get kicked out of the underworld or fissure, etc.
Expand the title outward, and we won't need the damn rings and their afk requirement sapping the servers.
Revilo Ekrub
so you want a weekend to be repeated so you can go afk? huh.
and while you're at it add 0.5 point to wisdom when you ID a grape 
(not being sarcastic btw)

(not being sarcastic btw)
The Drunkard
God forbid you actually have to play the game to get the titles you want.
If you DC in the night, please QQ. No one cares, just be glad you can get all those points for doing nothing. Perfect example of the greedy idiot that plays GW not satisfied with anything. Give him AFK'able titles, he QQ's because his internet screwed up and he didn't get rewarded for going to sleep and not playing.
If you DC in the night, please QQ. No one cares, just be glad you can get all those points for doing nothing. Perfect example of the greedy idiot that plays GW not satisfied with anything. Give him AFK'able titles, he QQ's because his internet screwed up and he didn't get rewarded for going to sleep and not playing.
The only legitimate reason Anet has to redo the event is because of the 050 server errors. Of course, I'd be willing to bet the hundreds of people AFK on the rings is the reason we had all the errors, so...
Bob Slydell
I didn't D/C on Nine Rings, but I did AFK for a couple hours. I left with close to 250 tickets, and when I came back later, I had 4. FML.
Genius Was Revrac
Ok I understand where you guys are going, and I really appreciate how much you people love to throw down the gauntlet of sarcasm. This was a legitimate question especially with all the 050's occuring in the american districts. I was casualy asking for your opinions but instead all I received was hatred. Forget I even brought it up, but you guys make me LoL. Oh God I am asking for another weekend where people can go afk and actually have some semblance of a life........yeah really asking for too much here. And on the topic of titles the lucky/unlucky titles are just a miserable grind that should have some other way to increase it. This was not intended as a QQ fest, but gg guru fanatics.
Deviant Angel
Ok I understand where you guys are going, and I really appreciate how much you people love to throw down the gauntlet of sarcasm. This was a legitimate question especially with all the 050's occuring in the american districts. I was casualy asking for your opinions but instead all I received was hatred. Forget I even brought it up, but you guys make me LoL. Oh God I am asking for another weekend where people can go afk and actually have some semblance of a life........yeah really asking for too much here. And on the topic of titles the lucky/unlucky titles are just a miserable grind that should have some other way to increase it. This was not intended as a QQ fest, but gg guru fanatics.
Also, CNY is not the only event that grants us access to the boardwalk games.
Yeah, there's really no need for this. I would like to see an official lucky/unlucky/triple lolpick drop weekend since the last one was eaten up in the LAST redux we had. Blugh, just give me a few weeks with no festivals of any kind, thanks x_x
The Drunkard
This was a legitimate question especially with all the 050's occuring in the american districts. I was casualy asking for your opinions but instead all I received was hatred..
Forget I even brought it up, but you guys make me LoL. Oh God I am asking for another weekend where people can go afk and actually have some semblance of a life........yeah really asking for too much here.
So why are you whining about a redux instead of offering another solution to get lucky points? Did you even READ your post? To most people, you are QQing.
I am posting this for all those who are truly going for their Lucky/Unlucky title's and are sick of getting dc'ed halfway through the night. Anet plz plz plz have a redux on the CNY for all the people who get dc'ed on the 9 rings. I for one know that my account has sat dc'ed longer then actually sitting on the rings getting tickets. These titles are nearly impossible to get w/o the help of the 9 rings, but how can you get them if you end up dc'ed and the 9 rings games only happen twice a year. I vote redux who is with me?
Ok I understand where you guys are going, and I really appreciate how much you people love to throw down the gauntlet of sarcasm. This was a legitimate question especially with all the 050's occuring in the american districts. I was casualy asking for your opinions but instead all I received was hatred. Forget I even brought it up, but you guys make me LoL. Oh God I am asking for another weekend where people can go afk and actually have some semblance of a life........yeah really asking for too much here. And on the topic of titles the lucky/unlucky titles are just a miserable grind that should have some other way to increase it. This was not intended as a QQ fest, but gg guru fanatics.
In the second one you are bringing up a code 050 issue that did happen to a lot of people. Does this issue constitute a redux....not sure, since I really dont have enough information to make a "in ink opinion" of yes or no.
There is no legitimacy to your first post based of a simple DC. Now, if you had a code 050 and you couldnt even log onto your account for next several hours like a friend of mine.....then that would bring some legitimacy to your post. You failed to bring that to the table in the first post, if that was even the case.
So either one of two things here. You honestly had an issue with code errors and you failed to explain properly. OR (which I believe to be true and its my opinion) you got a dc, whined about it, got slammed, heard about the code 050 error and tried to cover up your first post.
I really dont see how you can really defend yourself well enough for people not to open the floodgates. And really what constitutes as "having a life?" The whole "get a life," "having a life" statements are really sad statements in themselves. Its like using "whatever" to explain just has nothing else more intelligent to say so one blurts it out.
@drunkard....Daam beat me to it!!
Genius Was Revrac
Ok so I should have thought out my original statement which should have included the 050 errors in conjunction with incredible amounts of dc's that occur on the 9 rings. I guess my first argument was primarily based on my emotions and I let that get the best of me. It is just that I have played this game since its conception and every festival I have DC issues with the event that have added up to a lot of lost points. Then I get the 050 errors on two of my characters that make me waste even more time. I already have Grandmaster Treasure Hunter so there is little incentive to get the title that way for those who keep saying quit being lazy.
The only thing I wanted from the Guru community was a little bit of empathy and instead I got a flame fest. How very typical as I have seen the same thing from the same people over and over. I expected a few negative responses but the hate that flows from some of you is really very funny and sad.
Next time you think about making a sarcastic or negative comment how about you take out your anger on a family pet or a therapist. j/k on the pet
The only thing I wanted from the Guru community was a little bit of empathy and instead I got a flame fest. How very typical as I have seen the same thing from the same people over and over. I expected a few negative responses but the hate that flows from some of you is really very funny and sad.
Next time you think about making a sarcastic or negative comment how about you take out your anger on a family pet or a therapist. j/k on the pet

Bob Slydell
I was casualy asking for your opinions but instead all I received was hatred.
This was not intended as a QQ fest, but gg guru fanatics.
Genius Was Revrac Academy Page Join Date: Apr 2008 |
Shayne Hawke
How about instead, we add things to the lucky and unlucky title tracks?
Lucky things? Retain an item during salvage, get a gold from a high end chest or dungeon, find a bottle of dye (point total based on rarity), find a weapon classified under Tolkano's exotic tier? Unlucky things? Open a dungeon chest without getting a gold, open a high end chest or nightfall treasure and get a purple, break a salvage item, get kicked out of the underworld or fissure, etc. Expand the title outward, and we won't need the damn rings and their afk requirement sapping the servers. |
How about instead, we add things to the lucky and unlucky title tracks?
Lucky things? Retain an item during salvage, get a gold from a high end chest or dungeon, find a bottle of dye (point total based on rarity), find a weapon classified under Tolkano's exotic tier? Unlucky things? Open a dungeon chest without getting a gold, open a high end chest or nightfall treasure and get a purple, break a salvage item, get kicked out of the underworld or fissure, etc. Expand the title outward, and we won't need the damn rings and their afk requirement sapping the servers. |
As for a Canthan New Year Redux, I would like to see it, but not because of nine rings. I ran into what appeared to be a common error during the weekend, and as a result I was only able to participate with one character.
Oh well.
I was really pissed when I got dc'ed every night during the event. Isnt the game supposed to wait for 12 hours of inactivity before booting you?
Bob Slydell
The game really isn't supposed to wait any amount of time before kicking you, I know people that have AFK'd a session well into 20 hours.
The game really isn't supposed to wait any amount of time before kicking you, I know people that have AFK'd a session well into 20 hours.
Regardless, I have gone for many, many hours before afk, and after looking at how many points I had in my lucky/unlucky titles, I determined that I was asleep/AFK for a little over an hour before I was kicked.
However, the whole concept of the lucky title is flawed (and the sweet tooth... and the drunkerd, and the party animal). The only realistic way to get a title shouldnt be to go afk during an entire festival.
Bob Slydell
Oh? Iv been told on multiple occasions that it was a 12 hour wait of inactivity before an automatic boot.
Regardless, I have gone for many, many hours before afk, and after looking at how many points I had in my lucky/unlucky titles, I determined that I was asleep/AFK for a little over an hour before I was kicked. However, the whole concept of the lucky title is flawed (and the sweet tooth... and the drunkerd, and the party animal). The only realistic way to get a title shouldnt be to go afk during an entire festival. |