LFR for HM missions


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2008

Bavaria, Germany



IGN: The Power Of Sight
I need the following HM missions in Elona and Tyria done as soon as possible. Just message me either here or in game and message me what you charge as well, please.

Elona (7)
1. Consulate Docks
2. Chabek Village
3. Jokanur Diggings
4. Blacktide Den
5. Tihark Orchard
6. Jennur's Horde
7. Dasha Vestibule

Tyria (18)
1. Ruins of Surmia
2. The Great Northern Wall
3. Fort Ranik
4. Nolani Academy
5. Borlis Pass
6. The Frost Gate
7. Ice Caves of Sorrow
8. Iron Mines of Molandrune
9. Dunes of Despair
10. Augury Rock
11. Elona Reach
12. Gates of Kryta
13. D'Alessio Seaboard
14. Sanctum Cay
15. Riverside Province
16. Divinity Coast
17. The Wilds
18. Bloodstone Fen

Thanks! ~ The Power Of Sight

Solar AUS

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2009


Originally Posted by Anke View Post
IGN: The Power Of Sight

Tyria (18)

10. Augury Rock
Mmm, how would that work considering its a solo mission?!

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    Academy Page

    Join Date: Feb 2009

    Brotherhood of the Shadows [bots]


    i'll do most hm tyria 8k with bonus, you can afk
    ign: Plum Peach

    Dunes of Despair bonus is difficult on HM... ><

    The Super Chilli

    The Super Chilli

    Lion's Arch Merchant

    Join Date: Jun 2008




    I can do most of elona and some Tyrian.
    IGN: Heavenly was I



    Frost Gate Guardian

    Join Date: Apr 2009

    Ordo Equitum Ascalonorum [Ordo]


    I can do all of them without Jokanur Diggings, Tihark orchad and Bloodstone Fen

    Prices are between 4k (Great Northern Wall) to 15k (Jennurs Horde) each mission. Depends on afk or not

    ign Rylai Krestfal


    Krytan Explorer

    Join Date: Jul 2006

    Ill do them all. see Paladins thread for prices.