[WTS] Celestials, Zodiacs n Alcohol
Lolana Darkeyes
*** closed by op ***
sb #5
ign- yero chan
ign- yero chan
Ariena Najea
15k on #5
IGN Ariena Najea
IGN Ariena Najea
s/b lvl 1 alcohol
s/b the keg
ign: mun mai
s/b the keg
ign: mun mai
Lolana Darkeyes
This is a bump. =D
Our Blood
#8 12k
ing: Our blood
ing: Our blood
Lolana Darkeyes
This is a bump.
Lolana Darkeyes
This is a bump.
I'll take #7.
IGN: Ninja Of Leetness
IGN: Ninja Of Leetness

#5 20k
#7 5k
<-- ign
#7 5k
<-- ign
Da Mad M00
SB Zodiac Longbow
11k on Keg
SB lvl5 alcohol
-- Retract bid on bow, leave bids on alcohol.
11k on Keg
SB lvl5 alcohol
-- Retract bid on bow, leave bids on alcohol.
Ariena Najea
25k on #5
IGN Ariena Najea
IGN Ariena Najea
15k on #8 the Zodiac Shield
Lolana Darkeyes
Bump. Updated bids. I will probably bump a few more time of the weekend and start closing bids during the week. have fun.
Angela Sitsonit
12k on the Inscrib Zodiac Staff soulreaping
Xion Air
I bid 20k on #8 Zodiac Shield ^_^
IGN: Spirit Ouverture
IGN: Spirit Ouverture
Lolana Darkeyes
Bump. Updated bids. Added another staff... Umm.. yep. Have fun.
S/B on Zodiac Daggers.
IGN: Forsaken Templar
IGN: Forsaken Templar
25k on the Zodiac Shield
IGN Choco the Spiritual
IGN Choco the Spiritual
15k SR Zodiac Staff *NEW*
along with my previous bid still standing
along with my previous bid still standing
Lolana Darkeyes
This is a bump. Updated bids.
Angela Sitsonit
20k on the Inscrib Zodiac Staff soulreaping
Lolana Darkeyes
This is a bump. I'm going to start contacting people in-game about some items. The Newer item, Soul Reaping Staff, will still be up for bid for just a few more days since I added it post-Thread.
Lolana Darkeyes
Bump. Bump. Bump.