Pc please
gold Q9 zodiac shield
27 health
weakness 20% reduction
+1 smiting
Thank you
Pc Q9 str zodiac shield
Ariena Najea
I'm seeing 3 mods here, which kind of doesn't happen. Can you post a picture so we know what is going on?
My mistake- I got confused.
Gold max r9str zodiac shield 20% reduction weakness . +1 smiting
gold max r12tac zodiac shield +27 health
gold(dyed black) max r12str darkwing defender, inscble, +30 healthmod
Thx for your time
Gold max r9str zodiac shield 20% reduction weakness . +1 smiting
gold max r12tac zodiac shield +27 health
gold(dyed black) max r12str darkwing defender, inscble, +30 healthmod
Thx for your time
r9str sold 4 70k. Thoughts?
r9str sold 4 70k. Thoughts?
animal fighter
darkwing 10k ...
req12 zodiac merch..
req12 zodiac merch..
King Bannian
agreed with animal.
you got a good deal on the r9 zodiac imo. odd mods.
King Bannian
you got a good deal on the r9 zodiac imo. odd mods.
King Bannian
Stop The Storm
darkwing can get 20k
id merch the other 2 zodiacs
id merch the other 2 zodiacs