Hi All. Mods please close any other thread I have active.
I have all the below to sell. Make reasonable offers and it is yours. Leave IGN please.
I have 1 of each except if I noted more.
Weapon Upgrades
Axe Grip of Fortitude
Enchantmwent last 20% longer
Sundering Hammer Haft
Armor penetration +20% chance 20%
Zealous Dagger Tang
Energy Gain on hit: 1
Energy regen -1
Vampiric Sword Hilt
Life Drain :3
Health regen -1
2x Wand Wrapping of memory
Halfves skill recharge on spells of item's attribute
Scythe Grip of Fortitude
Health +30
Dagger Handle of Dagger Mastery
Dagger Mastery +1 20% chance when using a skill
Dagger Handle of Enchanting
Enchantments last 20% longer
Hale Staff head
Health +30
Bow Grip of Fortitude
Health +30
Fiery Bowstring
Staff Wrapping of devotion
Heath +44 while enchanted
3x Insightfull Staff Head
Energy +5
Vengence is Mine
Damage +15% while health is below 50%
Hale and Hearty
Energy +5 while Health is Above 50%
Strength and Honor
Damage +15% while health is above 15%
Seize the Day
Energy +15
Energy regen -1
Dance with Death
Damage +14% while in Stance
Swift as the Wind
Reduces Crippled duration on you by 20%
Powerstone of Courage
Passage Scroll to underworld
Monumental Tapestry
Star of Transference
2x Torment Gemstones
Obsidian Key
Demonic Key
Passage Scroll to the Fissure of Woe
Armor of Salvation
40x Celestial Summoning Stone
5x Mysterious Summoning Stone
Dedicated Flesh Destroyer
Dedicated Water Djinn
Dedicated Shiro
Unded Harpy Ranger
Unded Koss x2
Unded Kirin x2
Unded Thron Wolf x2
Unded Jade Armor x2
Unded Siege Turtle x2
Unded Necrid Horseman
Unded Hydra x2
Unded Elf
WTS Weapon Mods, Inscriptions and Other
Cropheus Lanthos
nigro marcia
Powerstone of Courage
IGN nigro marcia
IGN nigro marcia
15k on destroyer
300g each on 40x Celestial Summoning Stone
IGN Kingg Ghost
300g each on 40x Celestial Summoning Stone
IGN Kingg Ghost
5x Titan Gemstones 6k/e
40x Celestial Summoning Stones 500g/e
IGN: Beauty In Blood/Blessed Tear
40x Celestial Summoning Stones 500g/e
IGN: Beauty In Blood/Blessed Tear
600g each on cel sum stones
still want destroyer too
IGN Kingg Ghost
still want destroyer too

IGN Kingg Ghost
Swift as the Wind
ign: healing talent liz
ign: healing talent liz
Cropheus Lanthos
24 hour
Ill be online tonight to sell which has been asked for.
24 hour
Ill be online tonight to sell which has been asked for.
sythe grip of fortitude and unded fungal wallow for 8k?
IGN : Wulf of Ascalon
IGN : Wulf of Ascalon