Well lets get to it.
This is just a B/O sale.
Stacks of Eggnogs: 20k ea (x10)
(Sold 3 stacks to Cropheus Lanthos)
354 Snowman Summoners - Sold to Cropheus Lanthos for B/o
157 Wintersday gifts + 48 red gift bags - 25k (Before price 40k , 30k..)
436 Tonics - 50k (Before price 80k) (Sold to Shadowhaze for 50k)
PACK: "2x Elite Paragon, 2x Elite Mesmer, 1 Elite Dervish" - 20k or 4 Z-keys
I hope i got something i need (:
- Leave IGN and I wil find you.
Edit: Lowering priceses + Adding some tomes.
Title points
Mighty Sorcerer
Cropheus Lanthos
1 stack of Egnok
All the Snowmens
IGN : Cropheus Lanthos
All the Snowmens
IGN : Cropheus Lanthos
The Real Avalon
bo on gifts and ss
ign: avatar avalon
ign: avatar avalon
Cropheus Lanthos
ill take another 2 stacks of eggnoks ty
Mighty Sorcerer
Bring up my post (:
436 Tonics
~Thank you.
~Thank you.

Mighty Sorcerer
Bring up my post again (: Lowing price on gifts again ^_^
Shadow of Cantha
157 Wintersday gifts + 48 red gift bags - 25k
Usually on after 8pm eastern (GMT -5)
IGN Nuking Shadow
Usually on after 8pm eastern (GMT -5)
IGN Nuking Shadow