Title says it all, breakdown below. I will sell the drunk points seperate from the party points but I will not break them up otherwise so bid on ALL the drunk points or ALL the party points or both. UPDATED TOTALS
Party Pts. 484
1pt Snowman Summoner x46
2pt Yuletide Tonics x1
5pt Mysterious Tonics x15
1pt Champane Popper x93
3pt Crate of Fireworks x30
2pt Mischevious Tonic x2
2pt Cottontail Tonics x10
1pt Bottle Rockets x73
1pt Sparklers x89
2pt Frosty Tonic x1
Drunk minutes 455
5min Keg of Aged Hunters Ale x1 (all 50 uses)
5min Spiked Eggnog x6
1min Eggnog x32
5min Aged Hunters Ale x20
5min Bottles of Grog x5
1min Hunters Ale x10
1min Rice Wine x8
I suppose I could have listed them in some sort of better order, but hey it's my thread and I'm not very bright so there it is.
I will bump this thread once tomorrow and the sale will end about this time on Friday if i feel the prices are good.
WTS 433 Par-tay Pts. 454 Drunk pts.
Orange Milk
40k for the party
Seraphina Nala
48400 for the party (100g/ea)
Orange Milk
I hath bumped this thread toith the top.
50k party points
ign nilator the healer
ign nilator the healer
Seraphina Nala
110g a point or 53240 for the party.