I admit that right up front.
I have been saving up alcohol for a while though....

first two rows in picture are 1 point drinks
654 1 point drinks - 100g each
654*100g = 65400g
250 point sold
403 5 point drinks ( 3 minutes ) - 300g each
403*300= 120900g
750 points sold
and one FULL keg ( 150 minutes )
150*100g= 15000g
total = 201300g
Will be more than willing to let buyer check my math, my counts
and my minute totals before sale is finalized.
I would accept ectos ( but need third party verification
of exchange rate for them )
I would prefer to sell as one large unit if possible
Please drink responsibly.
contact me in game if you have one you want to sell or trade
character names most likely to be seen....
Wirl ing
Hocus Cadrabra
Conal Strongwolf
thanks in advance!
( I've set this thread for email notification )