Just started playing again and realised i have loads of stuff i dont really need.
There isn't a rational order to the items, just take a look and make your own list.
Leave a bid here or contact me ingame - Master Ranger Cax

Zealous Sword Hilt
Vampiric Sword Hilt
Hale and Hearty Inscription
Pure of Heart Inscription
Powerstone of Courage
Hale Staff Head
10 Mercantile Summoning Stones
Wand Wrapping of Quickening
5 Warrior Tomes
Ranger Tome
Margonite Gemstone
11 Assassin Tomes
1 Ritualist Tome
Crippling Dagger Tang
Req 10 Elemental Sword
Req 9 Vertebreaker inherent +5e
Ilsundurs Staff
Let The Memory Live Again Inscription
5 Blue Rock Candies
Everlasting Ghostly Staff
Vampiric Hammer Haft
The Bison Cup
Byzzr's Benediction
26 Myst Summoning Stones
20 Firework Crates
Sundering Axe Haft
1 Elite Sin Tome
Rotwing Recurve Bow
Kole's Torment
FoW Passage Scroll
8 Honeycombs
Murakais Reaver
12 Passage Scrolls to The Deep
Mini Fungal Wallow
Mini Charr Shaman
Armour of Salvation
Sharptooth's shield
Elite Warrior Tome
Kanazai's Edge
3 Disco Balls
10 Sparklers
10 Honey Jars
10 Bottle Rockets