R9 Soul Reaping Ghostly Staff
R11 Strength Eternal Shield
R11 Tactics Guardian of the Hunt
R9 Pyroclastic Axe
R11 Soul Reaping Shadow Staff
R12 Curses Skull Brush
R12 Motivation Diamond Aegis
All inscribable, and max.
PC R9 Soul Reaping Ghostly Staff
R9 Soul Reaping Ghostly Staff - 5-15k
R11 Strength Eternal Shield - ~10k
R11 Tactics Guardian of the Hunt - 2-5k
R9 Pyroclastic Axe - 20k+
R11 Soul Reaping Shadow Staff - 2-3k, probably merch
R12 Curses Skull Brush - merch
R12 Motivation Diamond Aegis - merch
R11 Strength Eternal Shield - ~10k
R11 Tactics Guardian of the Hunt - 2-5k
R9 Pyroclastic Axe - 20k+
R11 Soul Reaping Shadow Staff - 2-3k, probably merch
R12 Curses Skull Brush - merch
R12 Motivation Diamond Aegis - merch
tyvm bro helps alot