I am selling 90 in total as 3 sets of 30. Feel free to bid on multiple sets =)
Sale will end 24h after the first bump.
Group 1 - 30 Stones
S/B 500g/each
C/O Dwarf's Ecto Arrangement
B/O 1k/each
Group 2 - 30 Stones
S/B 500g/each
C/O Dwarf's Ecto Arrangement
B/O 1k/each
Group 3 - 30 Stones
S/B 500g/each
C/O Dwarf's Ecto Arrangement
B/O 1k/each
Remember to leave your IGN with your bid.
Celestial Summoning Stones
Ariena Najea
i dealer i
s/b 500g each on all groups
ing: nila van aris
ing: nila van aris
Shadow Feathers
Give you 600 gold each for all 90 54K total
IGN - Shadow Feathers
IGN - Shadow Feathers
Ariena Najea
Auction ends in 24 hours from this timestamp.
Auction ends in 24 hours from this timestamp.
Dwarf Teh Guru
I'll give you 8 ectos for all of them. 
Equal to about 56-58k
Pm me here for my IGN

Equal to about 56-58k
Pm me here for my IGN