Canthan's Storage Sale

Mister Me

Mister Me

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Hey all It's time for a storage sale, so here we go:

Mostly I won't mention the mods on the inscribable weapons, unless they are perfect or non-inscr, etc...
Req = Requirement, Insc = Inscribable, HP = Health, it shouldn't all be too hard to understand^^
If you think some B/O's are too high, remember that they aren't the reserve price
No S/B unless mentioned, just keep it fair
Shields(All are max armor(16) and gold unless otherwise mentioned)Req 9 Command Insc Skull Shield(Reduce weakness by 20%) S/B: 1k B/O: 10k Req 10 Command Insc Skull Shield(Reduce cripple by 20%, HP+45^Stance) S/B: 1k B/O: 8k Req 9 Command Insc Reinforced Defender S/B: 1k B/O: 15k Req 9 Strength Insc Ebonhand Aegis(Phys dmg -2 while enchanted, HP+45^Enchanted) S/B: 5k B/O: 30k Req 10 Strength Insc Magmas Shield S/B: 40k B/O: 99k Req 13 Motivation Insc Demonic Aegis(ar+10 vs. cold dmg) S/B: 2k B/O: 10k Req 10 Tactics Insc Demonic Aegis(ar+10 vs. slashing dmg) Req 9 Tactics Insc Spiked Targe(Reduce deep wound by 20%) S/B: 1k B/O: 10k Req 10 Strength Non-Insc Gloom Shield(Phys dmg -2 while enchanted, reduces deep wound by 20%) Req 9 Strength Non-Insc Shadow Shield(Phys dmg -2 while in a stance, armor+10 vs. cold dmg) Axes(All require Axe Mastery, are max damage(6-28), are gold and are Slashing Damage unless otherwise mentioned)Req 10 Non-Insc Chaos Axe(Inherent: 15^50, ar+7 vs. Ele Dmg) S/B: 20k C/O: 20k(Miss Tawngs) B/O: 50k Req 11 Non-Insc Chaos Axe(Inherent: Energy+5, ar+7 vs. Ele Dmg) Req 9 Non-Insc Chaos Axe(Inherent: none, Zealous, HP+30) Req 13 Insc Sickle(15^50, HP+30, Heavy) Req 9 Insc Celestial Axe(HCT of spells(10%), Heavy) S/B: 20k B/O: 45k Swords(All require Swordsmanship, are max damage(15-22), are gold and are Slashing Damage unless otherwise mentioned)Req 13 Non-Insc Jade Sword(Inherent: Energy+5, Barbed)<-SOLD Req 11 Non-Insc Jade Sword(Inherent: Energy+5, Fiery)<-SOLD Req 9 Insc Flamberge(Fiery)<-SOLD Req 9 Insc Fiery Embersteel Blade(Fiery(inherent)) S/B: 10k B/O: 20k Req 9 Insc Platinum Blade Req 9 Insc Fanged Sword(Enchants+20%, crippling) S/B: 1k B/O: 10k Req 9 Insc Runic Blade<-SOLD Req 10 Insc Platinum Broadsword(Poisonous) S/B: 1k B/O: 10k Req 10 Non-Insc Fiery Dragon Sword(Inherent: 15^enchanted and Fiery, enchants+20%) Req 10 Non-Insc Scimitar(15^-1 health regen, vamp(3/-1), enchants +20%) <-SOLD Hammers(All require Hammer Mastery, are max damage(19-35) and are gold unless otherwise mentioned)Req 9 Insc Golden Hammer(Lightning, ar+7 vs. phys Dmg) Req 10 Non-Insc Colossal Pick(Inherent: 15^50, Piercing, Cruel)<-SOLD Daggers(All require Dagger Mastery, are max damage(7-17), are gold and are Piercing Damage unless otherwise mentioned)Req 9 Non-Insc Jade Daggers(Inherent: 15^Stance, Poisonous) Req 9 Non-Insc Jade Daggers(Inherent: 15^Enchanted, HP+30, Silencing) Req 9 Insc Aureate Daggers(Zealous) Bows(All require Marksmanship, are max damage(15-28), are gold and are Piercing Damage unless otherwise mentioned)Req 9 Non-Insc Amber Longbow(Inherent: 15^50, Armor+5)<-SOLD Req 9 Non-Insc Amber Longbow(Inherent: 15^Stance, Crippling) Req 9 Non-Insc Amber Longbow(Inherent: 15^Enchanted, Zealous, Dmg+20% vs. Ogres) Req 9 Insc Spiked Recurve Bow(15^50, Fiery) Req 9 Insc Turtle Shell Longbow(Fiery, ar+7 vs. Ele dmg) Req 9 Insc Bramble Hornbow Spears(All require Spear Mastery, are max damage(14-27) and are gold unless otherwise mentioned)Req 9 Insc Brass Spear(piercing, vamp(3/-1), ar+7 vs. ele dmg) Req 9 Insc Forked Spear(cold dmg) Scythes(All require Scythe Mastery, are max damage(9-41) and are gold unless otherwise mentioned)Req 11 Insc Razorclaw Scythe(Enchants+20%, Zealous, Energy+5) Staves(All are max dmg(11-22), are gold and have basic mods: Halves Skill Recharge of Spells (Chance: 20%) and Energy +10)Req 9 Earth Magic Insc Earth Staff(Earth Dmg, Energy+5) Req 9 Energy Storage Insc Suntouched Staff(Cold Dmg, armor+5, E+5^enchanted) C/O: 2k Req 9 Healing Prayers Insc Divine Staff(Holy Dmg, armor+5, 15^hexed foes) C/O: 2k Req 9 Death Magic Insc Wailing Staff(Cold Dmg, HP+60^Hexed) Req 10 Divine Favor Insc Platinum Staff(Fire Dmg, 15^50) Req 10 Fire Magic Insc Dead Staff(Fire Dmg, ar+7 vs. Ele Dmg, HCT of Fire Magic Spells(20%)) Wands(All are max dmg(11-22) and are gold)Req 9 Earth Magic Non-Insc Jade Wand(Earth Dmg, HSR of spells(10%)) Req 10 Earth Magic Non-Insc Jade Wand(Earth Dmg, HCT of spells(10%), E+5^50) Req 10 Domination Magic Insc Imposing Scepter(Chaos Dmg, HSR of Domination Magic spells(20%), HCT of Domination Magic spells(20%)) C/O: 2k Req 9 Death Magic Insc Deadly Cesta(Cold Dmg, E+5^enchanted) Req 9 Water Magic Insc Water Spirit Rod(Cold Dmg, HSR of spells(10%), E+5^enchanted) GreensFendi's Focus ALL SOLD Fendi's Rod ALL SOLD Fendi's Staff(x2) - 600g each Claws of the Broodmother(x2) - 200g each Arrahhsh's Aegis(x2) - 500g each<--SOLD(Hh Closure) Totem Axe(x3) - 2k each Deldrimor Sword(x1) - 5k each Cyndr's Heart(x1) - 1k each Shreader's Talons(x1) - 500g each Ilsundur's Rod(x1) - 1k each The Skill Eater(x1) - 1k each The Pain Eater(x1) - 1k each Prismatic Rod(x1) - 1k each Bazzr's Wail(x1) - 1k each Droknar's Flatbow(x1) - 4k each Droknar's Recurve Bow(x1) - 4k each Chkkr's Flatbow(x1) - 1k each Inallay's Hornbow(x1) - 1k each Misc and leftovers, etc...Diessa Chalice(x1) The Bison Cup(x1) Stone Rain Polymock Piece(x1)<--SOLD(Our Blood, 2k) Trade Contracts(x2) <-SOLD Bison Championship Tokens(x4) Deldrimor Talisman(x1) Book of Secrets(x1) Superb Charr Carvings(x7) Gingerbread Focus(x2) Peppermint Shield(x1) Just copy the name of the item you'd like to buy with the offer
If you think some B/O's are too high, remember that they aren't the reserve price
Reserve the right to sell ingame
Contact me by PM or ingame if you have any questions or remarks
@guildies I gave the link to this thread, please don't post in this thread, but pm or whisper me instead

IGN: Canthan Alexi

Happy bidding all!


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2007

Req 10 Non-Insc Colossal Pick(Inherent: 15^50, Piercing, Cruel)S/B: 2k B/O: 10k
b/o ty

ign chaos planes




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


Req 10 Domination Magic Insc Imposing Scepter(Chaos Dmg, HSR of Domination Magic spells(20%), HCT of Domination Magic spells(20%))

# Req 9 Energy Storage Insc Suntouched Staff(Cold Dmg, armor+5, E+5^enchanted)

# Req 9 Healing Prayers Insc Divine Staff(Holy Dmg, armor+5, 15^hexed foes)

2k each

Mister Me

Mister Me

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Bump .



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2008


Society of Souls [Argh]


Fendi's Staff(x1) - 600g each
Trade Contracts(x2) 350g each

ign:Empress Luindy Amor



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2007

Playing a bit but not too much.



Edit : thx for the fast trade !

Our Blood

Our Blood

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2009



Stone Rain Polymock Piece(x1) 2k

ing Our Blood



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006


Dvd Forums [DVDF]


2k for this: Req 13 Non-Insc Jade Sword(Inherent: Energy+5, Barbed)

5k for Req 9 Non-Insc Amber Longbow(Inherent: 15^50, Armor+5)

IGN: Khorrax Sunseeker



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2010



all fendi's focus and rods please.

ign kale pruim

Melissa Is HOT

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005



S/B Chaos Axe IGN: Miss Tawngs


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006



Arrahhsh's Aegis x2 = 1k
Fendi's staff x1 = 600g

IGN: Hh Closure

Mister Me

Mister Me

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Bump .

@below me: sleeping time now, but I'll try to catch you tomorrow ingame

Adom Fyurio

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2010



Ilsundur's Rod(x1) - 1k each
Deldrimor Sword(x1) - 5k each
Book of Secrets(x1) --- I'll buy for 9k

IGN - Adom Fyurio

I'll be on in 2 hours if i can reserve those items, if not no worries.

EDIT : Sounds good. I'm on most evenings (mountain time) so hopefully we can run into eachother.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


2k bramble bow
ign - nilator the healer

portus magnus

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2009


b/o on these 2
# Req 9 Command Insc Skull Shield(Reduce weakness by 20%)
# Req 9 Command Insc Reinforced Defender

ign portus magnus



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

The Zaishen Force


Chkkr's Flatbow - 1k

My guildie is interested so I'm posting on his behalf. His IGN is Xev Maelstrom.
My IGN is Lionel Voss. I will make the trade if he's not online.

EDITED by cosyfiep for BUMPING AN OLD THREAD: This thread is old. Please check the seller/buyer's thread activity before making a post!
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations..