All items are inscip. some have perfect mods some dont so not listing mods
B/O only
1.) q10 Command Zodiac Shield= 10k
2.) q13 Sephis Sword= 3k
3.) q10 Celestial Sword= 12k
4.) q10 Icy Blade Axe=1k
--5.) q10 Magmas Shield (strength)= 45k===Sold
--6.) q9 Runic Blade= 10k===Sold
--7.) Murakai's Reaver= 1k===Sold
mods=2k each
30hp axe grip
20%ench axe grip
Vamp scythe snathe
Vamp spear head
might add more later
IGN= Vow Of Fury
Flux's B/O Sale
Grim Aragorn
Grim Aragorn
raise to the top
7. Murakai's reaver
IGN: Hh Closure
IGN: Hh Closure
Coffee Man
6.) q9 Runic Blade= 10k
I'll take that ty
IGN --> Azeral Styx
I'll take that ty

IGN --> Azeral Styx