===all weapons sold ingame===
100x Pumpkin Cookie 300g/ea (minimum purchase 10)
2x searing tonic, 1x transmogri tonic
10x flasks of firewater
elite derv tome 5k
ele, mes, sin tomes- 500,300,200 resp.
5x celestial summoning stones - 3k total
Weapon mods/inscrs
3x wand wrap of quickening (10% hsr)
focus core +29hp
scythe-furious (10% chance double adren gain)
scythe-vampiric (life drain -5, degen-1)
scythe-zealous (ener +1 on hit, ener regen -1)
hammer-sundering (armor pene 20/20)
dagger-shelter (armor+7 vs phys)
sword-barbed (bleed length +33%)
sword-defense (armor+5)
let memory live again (10% hsr)
run for your life (recieved phys -2 while stance)
sheltered by faith (recieved phys -2 while ench)
to the pain (dmg+15%, armor-10 while attacking)
dance with death (dmg+15% while stance)
vengenace is mine (dmg+20% while hp under 50%)
brawn over brains (damage+15% energ-5)
...and a ded charr shaman 1.5k
WTS rare oldskool 3-attrib staff + other stuff
Ariana Seratu