Sword Sales - Gold


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2010


The Angels Insane Darkness

I have a small sword collection growing, and I wish to sell them.
They will go out on a first come first serve basis, just list the item you want and the price you will pay.

I have the right to decline any price that is too low ( ie, 100g )
Otherwise,I will probably accept any price.

Here is the item listings-

Cruel Jade Sword of Shelter
15-22 ( R12 )
Damage +14% ( In a stance )
+33% Deep wound
Armor +7 ( physical )

Zealous Wyvern Blade of Defence
15-22 ( R9 )
Armor +5
+1 energy on ht
-1 energy regen
+14% damage ( Health above 50% )

Fiery Dragon Sword of Shelter
15-22 ( R10 )
+15% damage ( In a stance )

Crippling Golden Machete of Shelter
15-22 ( R9 )
+33% Cripple
+7 armor ( physical )
+15% damage ( hexed foes )

Furious Scimitar of Enchanting
12-16 ( R6 )
+15% damage ( Stance )
Double Adrenaline ( 9% )
Enchantments last 19% longer

I will probably not et to them at the night of this writing (unless you play really late into the night ), So I will get to all requests in th morning. As such ;I suggest you check that the item is open, before calling one.