1 Stack Candy Corn B/O - 80k
2 Stacks Candy Apples B/O - 85k ea
Candy Corn / Apples
BUMP - lowered prices, if they are still too high for you, make me an offer.
Orange Milk
65k ea stack for the Candy Corn, I'll buy all three
IGN Orange Milk
IGN Orange Milk
70k/ea on candy corn.
IGN : Casca Ex Inferis
IGN : Casca Ex Inferis
Orange Milk
75k ea stack of Candy Corn, I'll buy all three
IGN: Orange Milk
IGN: Orange Milk
B/O 2 stacks of corn and 1 stack of apples.
Casca Ex Inferis.
Casca Ex Inferis.
tipiak - check your PMs, I'll deliver tonight if you're online.
tipiak - check your PMs, I'll deliver tonight if you're online.