*****closed by c3101429****
I could do with some pc's pls. I don't have the faintest what theyre worth.
Serpentine Scepter of Quickening
q9 Divine favour
11-22 fire dmg
HSR (10%)
Inscription-I am sorrow-(+7 energy hexed)
Crab Claw Maul of Deathbane
Max dmg/Q11 Hamm
+20% vs undead
Inscrip-I have the power-(+5)
Zealous Zodiac Hammer
Blunt dmg-max
q9 Hamm
dmg +15 in a stance
energy +1 on hit/regen -1
Poisonous Zodiac Axe of defense
max dmg/q9 axe mast
dmg +15 in a stance
lengthens poison 33%
armor +5
Zodiac Hammer
max dmg
dmg+19 while health below 50%
Exhalted Aegis
16 ar/q12
-3 dmg received while hexed
Straw Effigy
+12 energy
Hale Zodiac Staff of Warding
max dmg/q11 water
HSR (20%)
energy +10
+7 armor vs elemental dmg
Zodiac scepter
max dmg/q13 blood magic
hct (9%)
energy +5 while health is below 50%
That's it, thanks peeps!!
PC on a few deep items pls
bump. someone must bave an idea
another bump. any help at all would be good
yet another bump. Someone in the whole of guru must know at least 1 of these