s/b for all is set at 1k.
1. ebon bow string
2. icy bowstring
3. crippling bowstring
4. bow grip of defense (armor+5) x2
5. bow grip of warding (ele armor +7)
axe upgrades:
6. axe grip of fortitude (hp+30)
7. axe grip of defense (armor +5)
8. axe grip of enchanting (20%)
sword upgrades:
9. sundering sword hilt (20/20)
10. sword pommel of warding (ele armor +7) x2
staff upgrades:
11. defensive staffhead (armor+5)
12. staffwrapping of fortitude (hp+30)
13. staffwrapping of warding (ele armor +7)
14. staffwrapping of restoration magic (+1/20%)
15. insightful staffhead (energy+5)
16. damage+15% (while in stance)
17. damage+15% while hexed
18. damage+15% ^50
19. -2dmg while enchanted
20. -20% duration on deepwounds
21. -5 dmg (19%)
22. dmg+15%, energy-5
unded pets:
23. Palawa Joko
24. Irukandji x2
25. shocking spearhead
26. vampiric hammerhaft (5:1)
27. Ssyns staff (req9 channeling)
28. The Purifier (offhand req9 inspiration)
29. Fiery dead bow of warding (ele armor+7, dmg+15% while in stance, req9)
30. Vampiric Greater jagged reaver of defense (3:1 vamp, ele armor+7, halves casting time of spells(10%) req 10)
31. Elite assassins tome x2 (s/b 2k)
32. daggerhandle of foritude (hp+30)
33. Bisoncup
My ign is Haydan Smallblades, but please post your bids here.
Storage clean up [upgrades, inscriptions and more]
Deadly Poisened
Deadly Poisened
bump, I really need some storage space.
khezial tahr
I'll take the sundering sword hilt, the 15^50, and Ssyn's Staff.
IGN- Obeah Tahr or Daramishi Tahr
IGN- Obeah Tahr or Daramishi Tahr