just wanna clear space in my inventory..
- all items are req9
- all the items are without or with cheap ass mods..
- all items allow inscriptions
- all items are gold
- the prices after the items are for each
// bold is sold
- 3x platinum longbow - marksman (2k)
- 1x aureate longbow - marksman (2k)
- 1x illusory staff (4k) - illusion
- 1x dragon spire staff - inspiration (6k)
- 2x spiked targe - tactics (8k)
- 2x blazing wing wand - fire (1k)
- 1x earth prism - earth (1k)
- 1x fire prism - fire (1k)
- 1x hallowed idol - smiting (1k)
- 2x stone chakram - illusion (1.5k)
- 1x earth scroll - earth (1k)
- 1x divine symbol
- 1x greater dark scimitar - sword (3k)
- 1x golden machete - sword (2k)
- 1x bronze edge
- 1x summit axe
- 1x great axe - axe (1k)
- 1x icy blade axe - axe (2.5k)
- 1x eagle defender - motivation (5k)
- 1x ornate buckler - tactics (1.5k)
- 1x ornate scythe - scythe (3k)
- 1x talon daggers - dagger (1.5k)
- 1x suburst spear - spear (1.5k)
- 2x tribal spear - spear (1.5k)
1x r9 ram's hammer - hammer - 15^50% stance (old school) - 5k
1x r9 air wand - air - 5energy^50% + hsr 10% spells (old school) - 3k
i searched the forum for the most recent prices, but some weapons are hard to find so i hope its a bit ok.
since i am bad in pricing all the weapons are on offer, but i probably sell them right away for the asked price anyway.
also it would be nice if u let me know if some prices are totally wrong, thnx.
ign: Morningstar Rawing -or- Morningstar Legend
WTS: 33 r9 weapons!
Morningstar Legend
Zenos Squad
divine symbol - 1k
IGN: Megumi The Princess
IGN: Megumi The Princess
1 tribal spear 1.5k
IGN: Bone Shaker Baby
IGN: Bone Shaker Baby
1x celestial staff - illusion (5k)
I will take this one if it has a 20/10 inherent.
I will take this one if it has a 20/10 inherent.
Morningstar Legend
sorry zenos i sold the divine symbol..
i will save a tribal spear for u bone shaker (added u to friend list)
and kingkong, what u mean with if it has a 20/10 inherit? u can mod it as u like urself?
//edit: ah i see my mistake, isnt insc..
i will save a tribal spear for u bone shaker (added u to friend list)
and kingkong, what u mean with if it has a 20/10 inherit? u can mod it as u like urself?
//edit: ah i see my mistake, isnt insc..