Shadow's One Stop Shop
Shadow of Cantha
closed .............
Moving all items to the auction pages - Shadow's One Stop Shop
Moving all items to the auction pages - Shadow's One Stop Shop
H-8 - R12 Celestial Hammer 3k
Ign: Silly Oo
Ign: Silly Oo
SY-9 2k
AMOD - 6 1k
SYMOD - 6 1k
IGN: Mr Gosu
AMOD - 6 1k
SYMOD - 6 1k
IGN: Mr Gosu
R9 (Air) Forbidden Staff (HSR 20% / HCT 10%) 10k
R11 (Illusion) Forbidden Staff (HSR 20% / HCT 10%) 5k
Staff Wrapping of Domination Magic +1 20% 3k
Thanks for the trade.
R11 (Illusion) Forbidden Staff (HSR 20% / HCT 10%) 5k
Staff Wrapping of Domination Magic +1 20% 3k
Thanks for the trade.

b/o on 5 elite ranger tomes
ign rol corpse
ign rol corpse
Buying one INS-1 for 5k
IGN: Hardstyle Henk
IGN: Hardstyle Henk
Bid Retracted - No money left

Shadow of Cantha
BUMP - it's hard for me to get online outside of my normal playing times I did however manage to make a couple of deliveries this morning. I will hold items through Sunday nights for those who have placed b/o.
Deatgs Corrupter
20 reds [5k]
10 greens [500g]
10 purples [500g]
8 blue [2k]
trade two whites for them.
10 greens [500g]
10 purples [500g]
8 blue [2k]
trade two whites for them.
Bramble bow for me.
IGN - nilator the healer.
IGN - nilator the healer.
A-16 - R9 Battlepick 3k
IGN: Belly Stomper
IGN: Belly Stomper
Diffrent Color Man
OS-9 - R9 (Sword) Fiery Dragon Sword (+15% Stance) 3k
SWMOD-8 - Sword Pommel of Fortitude +30 (x2) 5k each Both
INS-14 Inscription – “Strength and Honor” +15^50 (x2) 2k each
INS-8 Inscription – “Luck of the Draw” -5/20 6k pending I'll offer 8k
SHMOD-3 - Shield Handle of Fortitude +30hp 5k
__________________________________________________ _________
THANKS! Fast Delivery!
SWMOD-8 - Sword Pommel of Fortitude +30 (x2) 5k each Both
INS-14 Inscription – “Strength and Honor” +15^50 (x2) 2k each
INS-8 Inscription – “Luck of the Draw” -5/20 6k pending I'll offer 8k
SHMOD-3 - Shield Handle of Fortitude +30hp 5k
__________________________________________________ _________
THANKS! Fast Delivery!
SC-27 - R10 (Restoration) Shamanic Wand 2k
IGN Athena the Rogue
SC-27 - R10 (Restoration) Shamanic Wand 2k
IGN Athena the Rogue
Shadow of Cantha
back to the top
d19- butterfly daggers
IGN : Martyr Kane
IGN : Martyr Kane
Shadow of Cantha
ign: Don Darkos
ign: Don Darkos
Thanks for the quick trade

3 times SWMOD-10 for 15k
2 times INS-15 for 4k
IGN Kage Cake
2 times INS-15 for 4k
IGN Kage Cake
“Forget Me Not” 19% 5k
ign = Don Darkos
ign = Don Darkos
Shadetz X
INS-11 Inscription – “Master of My Domain” 20% 1k
NT-4 - Paragon Tome (x7) 500g each
shadetz x = ign
NT-4 - Paragon Tome (x7) 500g each
shadetz x = ign
I'm interested in one Elite monk tome for one black dye.
IGN: Shadow Soul Slayer
EDITED by LicensedLuny These two posts got caught in the forum filter by accident, my apologies. I have merged them, and the result should be visible to everyone now.
IGN: Shadow Soul Slayer
EDITED by LicensedLuny These two posts got caught in the forum filter by accident, my apologies. I have merged them, and the result should be visible to everyone now.
Shadow of Cantha
Bump This Up!
The Final
DYE-1 Vial of Dye [Green] (x40) 50g each - ALL except pending
DYE-2 Vial of Dye [Yellow] (x33) 50g each - ALL except pending
DYE-3 Vial of Dye [Orange] (x90) 50g each - ALL except pending
DYE-4 Vial of Dye [Purple] (x61) 50g each - ALL except pending
DYE-5 Vial of Dye [Brown] (x88) 50g each - ALL except pending
DYE-6 Vial of Dye [Red] (x31) 250g each - ALL except pending
DYE-7 Vial of Dye [Blue] (x27) 250g each - ALL except pending
DYE-8 Vial of Dye [Silver] (x26) 250g each - ALL except pending
We can work it out when we meet, I think that's easier
IGN Another Scene
+ these 2:
SV-20 - R9 (Communing) Primitive Staff 3k
SV-21 - R9 (Communing) Primitive Staff 3k
DYE-2 Vial of Dye [Yellow] (x33) 50g each - ALL except pending
DYE-3 Vial of Dye [Orange] (x90) 50g each - ALL except pending
DYE-4 Vial of Dye [Purple] (x61) 50g each - ALL except pending
DYE-5 Vial of Dye [Brown] (x88) 50g each - ALL except pending
DYE-6 Vial of Dye [Red] (x31) 250g each - ALL except pending
DYE-7 Vial of Dye [Blue] (x27) 250g each - ALL except pending
DYE-8 Vial of Dye [Silver] (x26) 250g each - ALL except pending
We can work it out when we meet, I think that's easier

IGN Another Scene
+ these 2:
SV-20 - R9 (Communing) Primitive Staff 3k
SV-21 - R9 (Communing) Primitive Staff 3k
SC-10 - R9 (Fire) Fire Wand 3k
SH-6 - R9 (command) Reinforced Defender 3k
and probably a couple +10 mods not sure which i need yet
SH-6 - R9 (command) Reinforced Defender 3k
and probably a couple +10 mods not sure which i need yet
G-4 - Morolah’s Staff
I'd offer 8k.
IGN: Winola Ywwerdon
I'd offer 8k.
IGN: Winola Ywwerdon
I am interested in:
B-3 - R9 Aureate Longbow 5k
BMOD-11 - Bow Grip of Enchanting 20% (x3) 1k each - *2
for total 7k. ign (removed due to completion of trade, thank you).
B-3 - R9 Aureate Longbow 5k
BMOD-11 - Bow Grip of Enchanting 20% (x3) 1k each - *2
for total 7k. ign (removed due to completion of trade, thank you).
SV-15 - R9 (Air) Dolyak Prod Staff 3k
IGN: Pij Ta Fanta
IGN: Pij Ta Fanta
Show Some Skin
“Aptitude not Attitude” 19% (x4) 3k each pls 
ign Show Some Skin

ign Show Some Skin
SHMOD-4 - Shield Handle of Devotion x1 5k
Asereth Silverwind
Asereth Silverwind
D-15 - R9 Golden Talons 3k
IGN: Knife Strike
IGN: Knife Strike
NT-10 - Elementalist Tome (x2) 800g each
ign:Empress Luindy Amor
ign:Empress Luindy Amor
H-9 - R9 Greater Glyphic Maul 3k-PM ninja blacksmith
Shadow of Cantha
bump this up .... haven't seen you online ninjab
SH-10 - R9 (tactics) Militia Shield 3k
IGN Gnar Polerid
IGN Gnar Polerid
B-2 - R10 Ironwing Flatbow 10k
IGN Yalitza Quynh
B-2 - R10 Ironwing Flatbow 10k
IGN Yalitza Quynh
D-5 - R9 Steel Daggers 3k
SPMOD-2 - Spear Grip +30 (x2) 5k each
IGN: Rilla The Guide
IGN: Rilla The Guide