dhuum's soul reaper = 85e b/o SOLD IN GAME FOR B/O
everlasting abyssal tonic with unded mini abyssal = 40e b/o
everlasting unseen tonic with unded mini mursaat = 40e b/o
I have the right to sale in game or not sale at all.
mods please close any other thread that may be open....but I don't think there are any.
Dhuum's Soul Reaper, EL Tonics w/unded minis
Dhuum's soul reaper : 30e to start
EL Aby' : 100k
EL unseen : 100k.
IGN : Vizi Le Pur
EL Aby' : 100k
EL unseen : 100k.
IGN : Vizi Le Pur
50e on Dhuum's Scythe
IGN: Exo Dyo
IGN: Exo Dyo
Bring up my post....lookin for b/o only for these items.
70e on Dhuum's scythe
ign: lord j foster
ign: lord j foster
Bring up my post.....
Dreadful Divine
B/O Everlasting Unseen
IGN : Dreadful Divine
IGN : Dreadful Divine