Double Luxon and Kurzick title points Starting at Noon Pacific (-8 GMT) this Friday, you will receive double points for exchanging 1,000[sic] faction for Jadeite or Amber, for exchanging 3,000 faction for an alliance skill, and for transferring 5,000 faction to raise your alliance's reputation. This bonus will last through 11:59 PM Pacific (-8 GMT) on Sunday. |
Double Luxon and Kurzick Weekend
Karate Jesus
Nice to see they haven't updated the event description since Amber and Jade started costing 5k faction...
Oooooh, I LOVE this weekend!
Have to at least log in a few times till Friday so that I can kick it off with a full bar of faction ready to be donated!
Have to at least log in a few times till Friday so that I can kick it off with a full bar of faction ready to be donated!
Karate Jesus
Shayne Hawke
With 600/Smite taking a hit and the DTSC and MQSC groups possibly being out of luck, I can't wait to see how full JQ, FA, and AB get in the next few days, and how riddled of bots the first two become.
mhmm JQ syncing ftw?
I've got a feeling that the waiting for JQ/FA/AB won't be a problem on the Luxon side. Hehe
I just vanquished Kurzick and Luxon areas last weekend. Ah well, I'll do a few kurzick areas for the title I guess.
snowman relic
Lol all anet needs to add now is a ZC with jade quarry/fort aspenwood this weekend to make it a triple threat
Divine Ashes
I'd love to see some more of those late night bots, Luxons

The Scorpion Knight
Guess I'll do some JQ and AB.
Chasing Squirrels
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i need to study this weekend

Dark Saviour
Ugh... Just finished off legendary vanquisher and really don't want to vanq anything again for a good, long while... :-/
Nonetheless, I'll probably still vanq the entire Kurzick side of things a few times over this weekend... Not likely to ever actually max the title, but I futilely try. :-(
Nonetheless, I'll probably still vanq the entire Kurzick side of things a few times over this weekend... Not likely to ever actually max the title, but I futilely try. :-(
If kurz manage to get/keep Vasburg Armory this weekend, I might have to spend most of my time vqing Eternal Grove. I <3 that place.
Trader of Secrets
Suck balls, nerfing 600/smite right before this. For those who dtsc, load up your kurz faction before the update, then you can dump it first thing when this event kicks.
Suck balls, nerfing 600/smite right before this. For those who dtsc, load up your kurz faction before the update, then you can dump it first thing when this event kicks. |
it's a good option for those who occasionally gain faction and focuses mainly on getting their statues in hom.
I just hope DTSC is still viable after the update. I am sitting on 29 titles and only need 4m more Kurz Faction to get my GWAMM. It would be a kick in the teeth to have to revert to some super slow faction farm on a double faction weekend ...
This thread is not about any of the upcoming nerfs/buffs, but about the upcoming weekend event.
You can discuss the upcoming balance update here.
Keep on-topic.
You can discuss the upcoming balance update here.
Keep on-topic.
Well I think that's probably the point isn't it? I'm sure there's a lot of people that want a lot of faction quickly and will be willing to work for a new method in the 24 hrs after nerf :P
Weeee!! The Kurzick title track is the last one I need for GWAMM (already maxed Luxon).
Got 6.6million so far.. 3.4 million to go. This weekend should make a nice dent in that number!
Got 6.6million so far.. 3.4 million to go. This weekend should make a nice dent in that number!
Stop The Storm
nice nice, been waiting for this
Shadow Feathers
Do a lot of the low end P vs P here either in Ft. Aspenwood or JQ. Rule of thumb has always been Luxon side has always been a much shorter wait to get into then the kurzicks. I've also seen way more bots on the Luxon side and an apathetic crowd which doesn't like to report them on that side. I have both titles maxed so I bounce back and forth on either side all things depending but if I want a short wait and fast faction, I always go luxon. This weekend should prove interesting though with people wanting their amber chunks.
Anyone else tend to find these same things ? I'd like to know how others experiences have been. I'm usually in there a few times each day or in the evenings.
Shorter waits on Luxon side and way more bots
Kurzick side much longer waits and sometimes many afkers due to the long waits or ppl just thinking they are going to win anyway and hoping no one will notice. I would have to say though that unless you have folks sync joining in JQ most of the JQ games do go to the kurzicks.
Anyone else tend to find these same things ? I'd like to know how others experiences have been. I'm usually in there a few times each day or in the evenings.
Shorter waits on Luxon side and way more bots
Kurzick side much longer waits and sometimes many afkers due to the long waits or ppl just thinking they are going to win anyway and hoping no one will notice. I would have to say though that unless you have folks sync joining in JQ most of the JQ games do go to the kurzicks.
I haven't done any of the luxon or kurzick titles, any ideas which side is the best for this weekend?
Woot, Kurzick is last title I need for GWAMM, then I can semi retire till GW2 comes out!
Ps. Aspi if you're vanq'ing I find that the Kurzick areas have a lot more monsters than Luxon.
Ps. Aspi if you're vanq'ing I find that the Kurzick areas have a lot more monsters than Luxon.
This is a great way for me to replace the amber I just merched (1 hr spamming amber 1k vs. 1 min sell sell sell sell for 900 gold) Time is the decider for me. I did make the trader drop down in the 800 range at the end of my selling frenzy
This should be a good weekend for me.

I remember from the last event that A-net seemed to open more instances for Fort Aspenwood so the wait times aren't too bad for the Kurzick side, better than usual in fact.
Ah good, more vanquishing in luxon areas, silent surf here i come.
Im away this weekend
Just when I'm looking to max my title... daaamn!
Im away this weekend

No way more bots on the KUR side.. and lechers.
I played a game last night with 4 lechers. I wanted to just map out but then I would be just as bad as them. so, our team just all stood in the fort and waited for the 10-0 score instead of giving half the team faction on our backs.
This has to be changed and I do not care how good 4 people are, your never going to in 4-8.
I played a game last night with 4 lechers. I wanted to just map out but then I would be just as bad as them. so, our team just all stood in the fort and waited for the 10-0 score instead of giving half the team faction on our backs.
This has to be changed and I do not care how good 4 people are, your never going to in 4-8.
No way more bots on the KUR side.. and lechers.
I played a game last night with 4 lechers. I wanted to just map out but then I would be just as bad as them. so, our team just all stood in the fort and waited for the 10-0 score instead of giving half the team faction on our backs. This has to be changed and I do not care how good 4 people are, your never going to in 4-8. |

so the best way to get faction this weekend is vanqing random kurz/lux areas?
Both DSC and MQSC seem to be gone, at least until someone comes up with a pug friendly team. So aye grab yer guild or heroes n vanq as fast as you can.
Lol to all you SF & 600/smite vanquishers afther last nights update. Now if you want to max your titles; head over to pvp and get ready for a good ass whippin. Finaly titles you'll have to earn. ^^
I'm looking forward to collect at least 50 zkeys over the weekend.
I'm looking forward to collect at least 50 zkeys over the weekend.
Looking forward to some fun AB matches, these weekends usually bring out the decent players on both sides.
Lol to all you SF & 600/smite vanquishers afther last nights update. Now if you want to max your titles; head over to pvp and get ready for a good ass whippin. Finaly titles you'll have to earn. ^^
Maxing the titles via vanquishing is earning it just as much as playing 'pvp'. You kill stuff, you get points ... Just because you prefer doing it one way doesn't mean another way is wrong.
Shayne Hawke
I can imagine that Seeping Wound sins will be popular in JQ this weekend.
I was thinking that some kind of Demonic Flesh nuker might be successful at taking out shrines, but that would have required the Shadow Form change to leak over into PvP.
I was thinking that some kind of Demonic Flesh nuker might be successful at taking out shrines, but that would have required the Shadow Form change to leak over into PvP.
Looking forward to some fun AB matches, these weekends usually bring out the decent players on both sides.
I didn't know Faction Weekend was coming but still managed to grab the ZC for JQ on several of my chars.
I've already maxed my Kurz doing JQ almost exclusively. One donate from r10 on Luxon. It appears to me that I'm earning Lux faster than Kurz simply due to the timer. I can get in 2-3 matches on the Lux side in JQ in about the same time I got 1 match on Kurz side. If we lose every match, the faction earned is about equal. If we win at least one in 6, Lux comes out ahead.
Also on the bot thing... I don't see bots very often in JQ anymore. (Maybe it's the time of day that I play) Still lots of nubs and leechers though. Nothing depresses me more than starting a match on my contagion bomber and realizing I have 4 AoE using, quarry scattering elementalists on my team. Oh... and 3 warriors.