Massive Gold Sale!

Grape Bird

Grape Bird

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2010


These are the results of a zchest run, and truth be told, I want to get rid of them quickly to free up. The bidding will stop after 2 days, in which I'll try to contact you in game (or vice-versa). PM for more details on all the weapons.
I'm usually on during the weekends, and sometimes during erratic periods during the weekdays. I'll probably be adding more things to this post that I don't need anymore (tomes, inscriptions, etc.)

IGN: Grape Bird

NOTE: all weapons are gold, inscribable, and max damage

Holy vial r10 protection b/o 10k
Stone chakram of fortitude r9 illusion b/o 10k
Eerie Focus r9 communing b/o 15k
Skull brush of Valor r10 curses b/o 10k

Cane of quickening r13 domination, b/o 5k

Bone charm r13 death magic b/o 5k
Insightful conjuring staff of enchanting r12 spawning b/o 10k
Defensive holy branch r13 divine favor b/o 5k
Adept Portal Staff of Fortitude r11 energy storage b/o 15k
Swift Accursed Staff of Deathbane r10 curses b/o 15k
Portal staff r12 energy storage b/o 5k

Martial Weapons:
Fiery flamberge r9 swordsmanship b/o 10k
Platinum blade r11 swordsmanship b/o 5k
Cruel Igneous Maul r10 hammer r11 hammer b/o 5k
Fiery Shining Maul r9 hammer b/o 15k
Heavy grinning dragon axe of enchanting, r12 axe b/o 10k
Fiery avian axe r12 axe b/o 5k
Fiery battle axe r13 axe mastery b/o 5k

Reinforced Defender of Devotion r13 command b/o 5k
Guardian of the Hunt r9 tact b/o 15k
Sun and Moon shield r13 tact b/o 5k
Shield of the Wing of Devotion r10 tactics b/o 10k
Ornate buckler of fortitude r12 tactics b/o 15k
Embossed aegis of devotion r12 tact b/o 5k

Fiery Skull Recurve Bow of Fortitude r12 marks b/o 5k
Ebon Bramble Recurve Bow of Shelter r11 marks b/o 10k
Caged shortbow of enchant r10 marks b/o 10k
Ryver’s Shortbow (green) b/o 5k



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


2k bramble bow
ign - nilator the healer

portus magnus

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2009


Reinforced Defender of Devotion r13 command b/o 5k
Guardian of the Hunt r9 tact b/o 15k
Sun and Moon shield r13 tact b/o 5k
Shield of the Wing of Devotion r10 tactics b/o 10k
Embossed aegis of devotion r12 tact b/o 5k

ign portus magnus


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


2k on Bone Charm req 13

IGN: Mr Gosu