****I Reserve the right to retract this auction at any time, including under the circumstances that I realize the offer is not up to par with what I want for the set****
With that being said, I've been retired from GW for a long while, and I didn't want this rare GW treasure to collect dust and be lost forever, so I decided to sell.
Contains the following 10 pieces
Wintergreen Hammer
Wintergreen Axe
Wintergreen Spear
Wintergreen Wand
Wintergreen Shield
Wintergreen Daggers
Wintergreen Bow
Wintergreen Staff
Wintergreen Scythe
Wintergreen Sword
Negligible mods. I believe the spear, shield, and scythes are the main ones I've used on characters and are modded slightly for perma use.
S/B - 400e
B/O- 750e
*last post a few months back made it to 440e. Just as a reference.
Hidden reserve.
I know well what these are worth, and will also be taking into consideration, convenience and rarity of having the full 10 pieces for sale in one auction.
Please bid confidently and respectfully, no mediocre overbidding someone by increments of 1e. I will take your name and decline a sale to you.
Auction will go on for as long as I see fit. If a hidden res is met, I will contact that buyer for an immediate sale, though no reasonable offer will be sat on for days just to milk the package.
My IGN = Ethree Krypt
though I do not log on often anymore, best chance to contact me with any questions would be VIA inbox on guru.
All bids placed in thread please!
Revived earlier sale because of personal issues at the time - was not able to make it online for some period of time.
WTS - Full Wintergreen weapons set! (All 10)
420e here................