Originally Posted by byteme!
Part of the reason why PvE has grown more popular. The room for error is minimal and the reward versus time spent is greater. Lets not forget the role playing aspect as well. Try role playing with your favourite profession in PvP and you'll get your ass handed to you on a platter.
This thread sorta got necro'd but I think your post is based on taste, not fact.
Fact: Guild Wars AI is alot of different threads/coding thrown together to create dumbass AI that can be abused.
Fact: If you choose to not abuse AI, you get your ass handed to you.
Fact: One can conclude that abusing dumbass AI will yield rewards.
I guess my opinion is chalked up to taste as well, it may not be abusing if Arena Net made them stupid as hell for a reason. I just wish that they'd be completely retarded rather then cater to the abusers. LF Random Pug to fail mission. LF x/A20 to run mission AND get masters. Whats wrong with
THIS picture?
If this is whats left of the community and the reason it plays, if in fact PvPers are only 1% of the community, then I guess that the other 99% doesn't care how they get their cake, just that they get it. Same logic as the botters/scammers. Wait, isn't that what you guys are blaming the downfall of every part of the game on?
Just because I'm looking at something from this angle and your looking at it from that angle doesn't mean we're not both looking at the same thing.
Edit: I answered my own post for me and finally know whatsup.
Would A-Net rather cater to people who are doing things 6 year old children do, and finding joy in doing them repetitively, or to a constantly diversifying group of people? If you have to post an answer to this question, go back to farming.
The 6 year old thing was in response to another post saying how a friend went to school and told his little brother/sister that is 6 years old how to run shadow form and when he came home he had more ecto's then when he left, to say the least. Not claiming people who farm are as smart as 6 year olds, though that wouldn't be far off from the 'hardcore' PvE'rs I've seen posting lately.