I got some mini pets I don't want. I will accept the highest bid above the asking price.
Hyrda - 1k
Charr Shaman - 2k
Irukanji - 5k
Nian - 40k
Celestial Tiger - 60k
I also wish to sell these gold items. They're all max damage/armor.
Vampiric Elonian Daggers of Enchanting
- Q12
- Vampiric (duh)
- +20% enchanting
- Inscribable (currently has +19% while under 50% health)
Stone Summit Shield of Fortitude
- Q10, tactics
- +30 Health
- Inscribable (Currently has recieved physical damage -2 while in a stance)
Celestia Axe of Defense
- Q9
- Armor +5
- Inscribable (Has damage +19% while hexed
I'll sell these golds for any price above 500g. Bid on as many items as you want, as long as each bid is above my minimum. My IGN is Whiskey Breath if you have any questions. Bidding stops at the time of this post on March 1st.
Mini/Gold sale
Obligatory bump
1k on celetial axe
IGN: Hh Closure
IGN: Hh Closure