I have a few old school items I'm looking to sell, this could possible move into high end but I don't know because I'm not sure on prices. Make offers on whatever item you would like to buy and be sure to leave your IGN. After a few days if I'm interested in an offer I'll message the buyer, I reserve to right to refuse to sell if I don't like the offer etc.
Req9 Twin Hammer - Inherent 15^50
S/B - 3K
C/O - 3K
B/O - N/A
Req9 War Hammer - Inherent 15 (In Stance)
S/B - 3K
C/O - N/A
B/O - N/A
Also have a Req10 Str Inscr Guardian of the Hunt but I won't bother posting pics so feel free to post if interested in that or either of the above old school items.