Closed Due To Ventari's Forum Violations


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2010


EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violations: Multiple Threads within 24-hours and Early Bumping to CloseYou may have only one open thread per Ventari's section at any given time:
Price Check, Buy, Sell, High-End, Services, Give-Away and Free Services You can always click at the bottom of your posts to ADD new items. Any new thread posted in the same section within 24 hours of a previous thread is considered a violation. Make sure you wait 24 hours from the last time you posted on your older thread before you open a new one. You may not post more than one time per 24 hour period in a thread you created for any reason whatsoever. Any post by you in your own thread is considered a bump! You can always click at the bottom of your posts to respond to bidders or update your listing. Do not bump your thread to the front to say "closed", this will result in a ban. If you need a thread closed the top post, delete all the content and enter: "*** CLOSED BY SELLER ***" Then you may start a new thread in this section 24 hours after your most recent bump to the old thread. Because your thread has violated the guidelines your thread is now closed.

Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations. These rules ensure everyone has a fair chance at having a thread on the first few pages.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005

Peace Machine GRRR [DiE]


70k for Mad King

Kanwulf The Viking

Sioban of Sudenna

Sioban of Sudenna

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2007



75 K On the Mad King. IGN ---> Sioban of Sudenna.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2010


Closed sold in game @ 100k