r9 Gold Weapons (Z-Chest Sale)
Pretty much the goodies i kept from the z-chest:
All will be gold q9 inscribable
Ripper Blade
Sygian Reaver - Sold 15k (Azeral Styx)
Sephis Axe - Sold 25k (ShadowSoul)
Nightmare Scythe
Adamantite Shield (Tac)
Celestial Shield (Tac)
Demonic Shield (Str) - Sold 45k (bilinast)
Draconic (q10 Str) - Sold 100k (Aila Sonia)
Gloom Shield (tac)
Legendary Sword
Platinum Staff (Spawning)
Added: q9 15^50's (Golds)
Righteous Maul
All S/b's - 1k
I'm not waiting for the highest prices, just offer me something fair so i can clear up some room
All will be gold q9 inscribable
Ripper Blade
Sygian Reaver - Sold 15k (Azeral Styx)
Sephis Axe - Sold 25k (ShadowSoul)
Nightmare Scythe
Adamantite Shield (Tac)
Celestial Shield (Tac)
Demonic Shield (Str) - Sold 45k (bilinast)
Draconic (q10 Str) - Sold 100k (Aila Sonia)
Gloom Shield (tac)
Legendary Sword
Platinum Staff (Spawning)
Added: q9 15^50's (Golds)
Righteous Maul
All S/b's - 1k
I'm not waiting for the highest prices, just offer me something fair so i can clear up some room
Luke D
30k on Draconic
IGN Lorelei Sigent
IGN Lorelei Sigent
Leaf Oalf Erikson
1k @ Demonic shield
2k@ Gloom shield
IGN: Leaf Oalf Erikson
2k@ Gloom shield
IGN: Leaf Oalf Erikson
Stranger The Ranger
1k @ Sephis Axe
IGN: Stranger The Ranger
IGN: Stranger The Ranger
Coffee Man
10k on Stygian Reaver ty
IGN --> Azeral Styx
IGN --> Azeral Styx
40k on draconic here
50k draconic
IGN: Koridius Warrior
IGN: Koridius Warrior
killer monk
5K sephis axe
IGN : Il White Tulip Il
IGN : Il White Tulip Il
Demonic Shield 10K
dame botalotalot
dame botalotalot
animal fighter
60k draconic
animal fighter x
animal fighter x
Demonic Shield 20k
25K demonic..........
The Mad Addict
1k Falchion
IGN Ferocious Bullfrog
IGN Ferocious Bullfrog
Harashima Maki
SB Nightmare and legendary
ign Harashima Maki
ign Harashima Maki
10k @ Sephis Axe
Interested in B/O, just want it instantly. ;D
IGN: Shadow Soul Slayer
Interested in B/O, just want it instantly. ;D
IGN: Shadow Soul Slayer
30k demonic aegis, interested in b/o.
35K demonic.........
Ariena Najea
Celestial Shield (Tac) 5k
IGN Ariena Najea
IGN Ariena Najea
gloom shield still available?
if so ill put 10k on it
if so ill put 10k on it