Hi guys ^^,
Haven't been online for 1 year, so i kinda forgot the prices and stuff..
I'm hoping you can help me out =)
(all have maxed damage/defence unless otherwisely noticed)
(all are gold)
Gloom Shield req10 str (inscrip)
Gloom Shield req9 tactics(inscrip)
Dead sword req12 (inscrip)
Ancient shield req9 tactics (inscrip)
Diamond Aegis req9 tactics (inscrip)
Legendary Sword req 9 (inscrip)
Fellblade req 9 (inscrip)
Perfect Zodiac Sword (inscrip)
Perfect Shadow blade (non-inscrip)
Eternal Shield req9 str(+1 str 19% non inscrip)
Tower shield (14 def req 8 strenght) perfect luck of the draw (not inscrip)
Falchion and longsword both req8 15^20 non inscrip max damage.
Much love guys<33
Some req8/rares
Bumppppppppppp =\
Stop The Storm
gloom 3-5k
gloom 5-10k
dead sword merch
ancient -5k
diamond aegis 5k
legendary 15-20k
fellblade 20-30k
req on zodiac? r9 is around 80k
req on shadow? r9 around 20-30k
eternal merch
tower merch
falchion 80-100k
longsword 100+5e-10e
gloom 5-10k
dead sword merch
ancient -5k
diamond aegis 5k
legendary 15-20k
fellblade 20-30k
req on zodiac? r9 is around 80k
req on shadow? r9 around 20-30k
eternal merch
tower merch
falchion 80-100k
longsword 100+5e-10e
King Bannian
agreed with Stop The Storm here,
except on Legendary Sword
5-10k imo.
King Bannian
except on Legendary Sword
5-10k imo.
King Bannian