I approached Guild Wars, and mmorpgs generally, expecting to find it populated almost exclusively by nerdy, teenage boys.
Instead, I've found a range of players of all ages and both genders., most of whom seem to be socialble and literate. (I've not encountered any of the dreaded l33t speak yet, thank god!)
Yesterday, I was chatting to a 15 year old girl dressed in the smallest two piece outfit, and it managed not to feel pervy. (Of course, her in-game character was wearing the outfit, I have no idea what she was really wearing. I didn't ask. That would have felt pervy!
In-game and in forums, lady players are in abundance. Hooray!

But I am left wondering what proportion of players are male or female, and I am also wondering, how representative an in-game avatar is of the gender of the player.
Do you use an avatar of the same gender as yourself? If not, why not?
I ask all this in the name of academic interest. If it is a bit pervy, I apologise. By the way, what are you wearing? (Just kidding, folks!
IGN: Beorn Turok Kunrol (very much a male, but sensitive.)