Closed due to a Ventari's Forum Violation.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2009


EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: Multiple Active ThreadsYou may have only one open thread per Ventari's section at any given time:
Price Check, Buy, Sell, High-End, Services Offered, Seeking Services, and Giveaways You can always click at the bottom of your posts to ADD new items. If you need a thread closed the top post so that the very top line says "*** CLOSED ***" If you fail to do this, your thread may be viewed as open and result in a ban if you open another thread in the same section. Asking moderators to close your old threads is pointless - it doesn't stop other users from mistaking your older thread as active. It is the thread creator's responsibility to clearly mark old threads as closed.
Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations. These rules ensure everyone has a fair chance at having a thread on the first few pages.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2008


Tha thirteenth


ceaser the third


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2009


Bumpity Bump.

belladonna shylock

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2007

Hey Mallyx [icU]


30e ign belladonna shylock


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2009


25e + 100k
ign: Hamza Polska