Port Sledge Ice Cones[cold] seeking kurz alliance

Raven Wing

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Imperial Guards of Istan [TIGI]


We found an alliance now, please disregard this post

Hi there
We are a new old guild seeking new friends. We have been alliance leaders of a shrinking alliance of old guilds, and merged the whole alliance to a brand new guild now consisting of about 35 active people. We are mostly adults, and love weird humor (but ofc not racism, sexism etc). We play this for fun, love to chatter and go out kill stuff together That includes farming here and there, z bounty, nicky items, fow, uw,doa,dungeons, vanquish etc. We got several high end pve players with knowledge of various elite areas, we also got 1.1m faction, but we arent really aiming at controlling a outpost, and we are also not much into pvp.
What we desire is to become part of a big friendly and active alliance. We hope for one where there are always some team starting for this or that so we can join, or with ppl coming to join what we start. We arent really into speedclears tho. Europe based, so europen or truely worldwide alliance would be preferred.
If you want to add 35 active friendly ppl to you alliance and got what we desire, please message me here or whisper ingame: My ign Hrefna Asynja/Hrefna Fylgja, or whisper Kordis Sol or Nakatsu Hime.