What happens after you reach max screenshots?
What happens after you reach max screenshots in the screenshots folder? Do previous numbered ones get overwritten with new ones?
No, they don't get overwritten. It just won't let you take a new screenshot, telling you you have maxed the allowed number in the screen folder.
which is the real answer?
Shadow Feathers
I'm wondering that as well and what exactly is the max number ? I have several hundred in one folder already.
Kanna Banrai
What Yasmine said, is the correct answer. As for the exact number, I believe it is 999.
The max is 999.
I renamed my old screen folder to "Screens" (renamed the current one too ofc) and tried to get a screenshot, then rerenamed the folders and took this screen:
(hope I'm making sense lol)
I renamed my old screen folder to "Screens" (renamed the current one too ofc) and tried to get a screenshot, then rerenamed the folders and took this screen:
(hope I'm making sense lol)
Yasmine's right, after 999 you can't take anymore until you empty the folder.
I just move them out of the screenshot folder into a different one to save them. Then the very next one you take will be picture 001 all over again.
I have a bit of a screenie problem, though. I think I've restarted my picture folder about 10 times now in the last year. ^-^;
I just move them out of the screenshot folder into a different one to save them. Then the very next one you take will be picture 001 all over again.
I have a bit of a screenie problem, though. I think I've restarted my picture folder about 10 times now in the last year. ^-^;
All you have to do is rename the current "...\Guild Wars\Screens" folder, to "Screens1" for example. You can even do this while GW is running. The next time you take a screenshot, it will automatically create a new "Screens" folder and restart numbering from gw001.jpg.
1) Delete the crap ones... problem solved.
2) Rename folder... problem solved
2) Rename folder... problem solved
Just to be aware, if you have a picture named 'gw999' in your screens folder, and have deleted earlier pics, then GW will fill in the gaps until you have 999 pics in the folder
Bob Slydell
1) Delete the crap ones... problem solved.
2) Rename folder... problem solved |
When I was searching though my shots I noticed the file names matched up in a perfect row but a lot of newer ones were mixed in with the older ones, to which I had to sort by 'date modified' to see the newest ones.
What I mean I guess is.. you have this (deleted GW 122 and then took another shot):