Some crap I got sittin in my storage. Let me know if you're interested in any of it. I might be willing to trade for Monk or Necromancer gear. Ill check back to this forum daily. My in-game names are: Viet Solja and Doo Doo Twankle. I'm usually on during the daytime.
Sundering Half Moon
Piercing Damage 14-27 (requires 9 marksmanship)
Damage +14% (while in stance)
Armor Piercing +20% (chance: 16%)
Furious Ram's Hammer of Giantslaying
Blunt Damage 15-26 (requires 10 hammer mastery)
Damage +14% (while health is above 50%)
Double Adrenaline Gain (chance: 8%)
Damage +17% (vs giants)
Insightful Bone Staff of Defense
Halves skill recharge of spells (chance: 17%)
Energy +10
Cold Damage 11-21 (requires 11 death magic)
Energy +2
Armor +4
Sword Pommel of Defense
Armor +4
Fiery Sword Hilt
Fire Damage
Sundering Bowstring
Armor Penetration 20% (chance: 11%)
Warrior Rune of Superior Swordsmanship
Swordsmanship +3
Health -75
Ranger Rune of Superior Marksmanship
Marksmanship +3
Health -75
Ranger Rune of Major Wilderness Survival
Wilderness Survival +2
Health -35
Monk Rune of Minor Divine Favor
Divine Favor +1 (non-stacking)
Mesmer Rune of Minor Inspiration Magic
Inspiration Magic +1 (non-stacking)
(2) Mesmer Rune of Minor Illusion Magic
Illusion Magic +1 (non-stacking)
Earth Scroll
Energy +10 (requires 8 earth magic)
Armor +3 (vs physical dmg)
Armor +5 (while casting)
Selling Weapons & Upgrades