Hornbow (Mursaat skin) Req 9, inscribeable
S/B: 20k
B/O: 40k
Dragon Kamas Req 9, inscribeable
S/B: 30k
B/O: 60k
Forgotten Sword
S/B: 5k
B/O: 10k
Scythe of Corruption
S/B: 5k
B/O: 10k
Myish's Scythe
S/B: 5k
B/O: 10k
Amethyst Aegis Req 13 Motivation
B/O: 2k
256 Candy Corn
S/B: 250g per
B/O: 400g per
223 Pumpkin Cookies
S/B: 200g per
B/O: 300g per
10 Slices of Pumpkin Pie
S/B: 250g per
B/O: 400g per
301 minutes of alcohol
S/B: 70g per
B/O: 90g per
WTS r9 dragon kamas and mursaat hornbow, some greens and cons
Shadetz X
retract bid............
bump this up
Hornbow (Mursaat skin) Req 9, inscribeable
S/B: 20k
B/O: 40k
s/b on that
Pm on guru for IGN
S/B: 20k
B/O: 40k
s/b on that
Pm on guru for IGN
s/b dragon kamas
IGN - ************
IGN - ************
bump .
...... retract ......
bump .
bump .
41 pumpkin cookies 200g each
ign:Empress Luindy Amor
ign:Empress Luindy Amor
300g per candy corn
IGN Dante Feedmenow
IGN Dante Feedmenow
Amethyst Aegis Req 13 Motivation
B/O: 2k
IGN : Foxy Situation
EDITED by cosyfiep for BUMPING AN OLD THREAD: This thread is old. Please check the seller/buyer's thread activity before making a post!
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations..
B/O: 2k
IGN : Foxy Situation
EDITED by cosyfiep for BUMPING AN OLD THREAD: This thread is old. Please check the seller/buyer's thread activity before making a post!
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations..