Double Vamp Fell Blade, Shadow Shield, Mursaat Hammer
Achrr The Archer
Req 12 Fellblade +14 -1 health regen, 3/1 vamp mod
Req 9 Strength Uninscribe Shadow Shield, +29 HP, -2 in stance
Req 10 Mursaat Hammer Inscribe 15^50, +30 hp 20/20
Req 9 Strength Uninscribe Shadow Shield, +29 HP, -2 in stance
Req 10 Mursaat Hammer Inscribe 15^50, +30 hp 20/20
Achrr The Archer
nigro marcia
Req 10 Mursaat Hammer Inscribe 15^50, +30 hp 20/20 1k on it
IGN nigro marcia
IGN nigro marcia
20k on fellblade
ign : Miss Pennyworth
ign : Miss Pennyworth
Achrr The Archer
Bump, Another one or two and will be selling to highest bids.
animal fighter
25k fellblade
10k mursaat hammer
10k shadow shield
ign animal fighter x
10k mursaat hammer
10k shadow shield
ign animal fighter x
Achrr The Archer
30k on fellblade, ign monkeyball z
40k on fellblade.
Gandolf The Brute
15k on hammer
ign big pappa midnight
ign big pappa midnight
Achrr The Archer
Bump...My birthday is tomorrow so i'll sell either tomorrow or the day after.
45k Fellblade
Essential Gawd
Essential Gawd
12k on Shadow Shield.
Achrr The Archer
Achrr The Archer
Bump again, going to start contacting in game if no other bids. Please insclude your ign if you bid or have bid already.