Legendary Survivor FAST and Safe!

prey monkie

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2009

[OhNo] Mallyx and Friends


Hi all. I have good news for everyone who wants to get Gwamm without maxing an account wide title and doesnt want to play killrooy stonekin for the next 2 weeks.^^ or if ur just bored of lagging out and dieing while getting legendary survivor. Lets get started:

Kath Hammers give 7.5k xp and 1.5k gold for everytime u reward them. so if u go to Kathandrax Dungeon and keep zoning in and out u can get 7.5k xp everytime u zone out without facing any mobs and is by far the fastest and safest way to get legendary survivor. 172 Kath hammers will give u enough xp to hit legendary survivor if ur lvl 10

What if offer: 172 Kath hammers and a run from doomlore to Kathandrax Dungeon.

What u need to do: Get ur legendary survivor char to eotn (possible @ lvl 10) get a run to doomlore shrine. zone in and out of a dungeon a shitload of time while u lol @ all the people who are getting legendary survivor with stilrooy stonekin:P

Note: 172 x 1.5k = 258k in cash so bring Storage accounts a friend or pm me after ur inventroy is full and i'll run u again to kath.

Package #1 172 Kath Hammers + 3 runs to Kath
S/b 860k

For more info: Prey monkie
or -removed by moderator-

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prey monkie

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2009

[OhNo] Mallyx and Friends


Bump 12 char. c/o 5.5kea

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Boot Failed

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2008


Boot Failed

Boot Failed

Boot Failed

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2008


got about 80 ingame...so i just need 100 more.

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