ATI Radeon: GW not detecting
I just bought a new Graphics card, an ATI Radeon HD 4350. My computer and the CCC is detecting it fine, as well as detecting my monitor fine. But guild wars does not seem to be able to detect the's still running at the same FPS as my build in card. Anybody know how to fix this?
Devastating Flames
mb size on the on board and the card u just bought is? waht are the two's core clock speed? and u did hook ur monitor up to the new card right?
Elder III
what are your system specs? the 4350 is not a very powerful video card, so dependent on what else you have it might not give you any great FPS boost...
Well, it give's me enough of a boost. My built in graphics card hardly s upported GW, lol. And I actually solved the problem by just raising the resolution...turns out it didn't support low res. I used auto-detect, which is what gave me the low res in the first doesn't really do it's job very well.