Hope Springs Eternal [HSE] Looking for loyal players of all skill levels!

Sheila Mjolnir

Sheila Mjolnir

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2007

Hope Springs Eternal


Hope Springs Eternal [HSE] is a small, friendly, mainly PvE Kurzick guild, hoping to swell our ranks to 25 members. We warmly welcome players of any skill level; the only requirements we have are that you be mature, friendly and loyal.

We do a lot of vanquishing and hard mode, but are also perfectly happy to play in lower-level areas. Once we reach the magic number of 25 players, we will be joining a large alliance which hosts fun activities, giveaways and Elite Area Friday. Join us to help make this happen, and reap the rewards of fun!

Please whisper in-game: Sheila Mjolnir, Hotaru Hayashi or Battle Rager Pwennt.

Edit: HSE now has its very own web page! Please visit us at http://hseguild.webs.com/ . And join up before our cape contest to celebrate our new members begins March 9th-- the winner receives 10 platinum!