Experienced Player looking for Active Pve Guild

Diao Xiao

Diao Xiao

Bots killed teh PvP Star

Join Date: Nov 2006

Ascalon id1


Hi, I'm looking for a Guild. It's time to meet some new people in GW. For the past 2 Years i've been in a guild with only friends(Mostly RL too). Nothing really happened there, besides the occasional Zbounty or Zmission. I had to pug most of my groups for Dungeons/FoW/Uw etc...

Now I'm looking for a guild that does these things on a regular/daily basis.

What I am looking for:

Big Guild/Alliance with around 40 Active Members (online every 1-2 days or so)

HM Dungeons , FoW/UW, Deep/Urgoz, Vanquish , DoA.

Basically , everything. I don't mind joining an occasional JQ or AB for fun and giggles.

Ventrillio or Teamspeak .

What can I offer you:

Experience - Over 5000 hours in 57 Months . Finished all campaigns . I was an officer in all my previous Guilds(Not looking to instantly becoming one again). I've led many teams in both PvE and PvP, so I know my way around. Not up too date with all the latest PvE meta . Im R8 Hero and R10 Zaishen. I'm a mature guy, 21 years of age. No regular online times, but I play 10+ hours a week.

So If you have this great guild with a lot of active people and plenty to do (Day and Night), please contact me. I may have more peope who want to join .

Baby Healz