7 shields
1 mod(s)
1 scythe
Sun and Moon Shield [s/o: 60k ] [c/o: ] [b/o: tba]

Aegis of Valor [s/o: 30k ] [c/o:] [b/o: tba]

Shield of the Lion [s/o 20k] [c/o:] [b/o: tba]
Lyssa's Bedlam[s/o 5k] [c/o:] [b/o: tba]
Deldrimor Remnant: 17k
Primeval Remnants: 6k
I have the power inscr: 5k
Aptitude Not Attitude inscrp: none
armbraces: 22e
can be paid with:
Ectos: merchprice -1k
IGN: Tokyo Cyber Monster