The Rockmolder x2 - 500g
Garbok's Cane - 200g
Villnar's Claw - 2k
Chung's Focus - 1.5k
Chkkr's Pincers - 1k
Malinon's Shield - 800g
Brightclaw - 4.5k
Gorrel's Staff - 500g
Alcohol Items:
87 Eggnogs
28 Bottle of Grog
30 Hunter's Ale
20 Aged Hunter's Ale
26 Spiked Eggnogs
6 Firewater
18 Vial of Absinthe
11 Witche's Brew
90g per min or 34.5k for all items
Miniature Kveldulf Unded - 10k
Mandragor Imp Unded - 3k
Feel free to place a bid here in the thread or contact me in Game
IGN: Master Seneca
Seneca's Sale
Master Seneca